My god. Jim Cramer is insane.....
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Fri Sep-23-05 05:38 PM
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My god. Jim Cramer is insane..... |
Edited on Fri Sep-23-05 05:39 PM by JonathanChance
This Mad Money show is something else.
You could make a damn fine drinking game out of the lightning round bit alone.
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Fri Sep-23-05 06:35 PM
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1. My father and I used to get into shouting matches |
when It came to how much CNBC he would watch. I would argue that CNBC was 'poison' when it came to making investment decisions and he should ignore it. He would argue back that he could 'see through' the propaganda and somehow figure out what was really going on behind the scenes. At times he would be watching 'Kudblow and Crackhead' and it would be like walking on eggshells. Needless to say he lost alot of cash on bad stock trades.
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