But I can do many others -- always had an ability for mimicry, since I was a kid, though I'm not up in the leagues with the pros when it comes to doing impressions of a great many celebrities and some I have to work at a bit before I even get close. But those I can do I seem to be pretty good at, just from observing and naturally being a quick study when it comes to that sort of thing.
Singing-wise, I can only attest to those that I've tried much, whose vocal ranges overlap mine to at least a decent degree: Elvis (of course), Tom Jones, Jim Morrison, Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, Roy Orbison (barely, when he goes really high), and Johnny Cash. Physically and facially I'm best equipped to try on Elvis' shoes, which is just as well 'cos I know so much about him and he's my all-time favorite....he's also got the moves, baby, though I'd love to give Jim Morrison a serious try one day (can't scream like he does on some songs, but can fake it to some extent -- been complimented for my job on "Touch Me" and "Light My Fire," two of the more Elvisy and scream-depauperate of his songs).
Oh, yeah, I used to play around with singing both Julio Iglesias and Willy Nelson, simultaneously, on "To All The Girls I've Loved Before"...still seem to be able to do it, though Julio's voice is natural to me whereas ole Willie's...um...isn't.
Very, very rarely did I ever sing in front of anyone else until I started doing what I'm doing now. Kinda wish I did. Always thought I had an ability as a singer (I recorded myself, accompanied by guitar, 20 years ago and the very few people who heard it said it was great), imitative or not, and it turns out I was right. It was seeing some awful Elvises here in Vegas, who sound like they've never even heard the man, that really set me in motion....I mean, I KNEW I was closer than them, and yet they were getting paid to do this? Really, I do wish I'd given public singing a try before (I'd always wanted to audition for the Pharoah in local productions of Technicolor Dreamcoat, just 'cos I knew he was an Elvis type and I knew very well and had repeatedly proven in various forms that there's a side of me that's a shameless showman). Got a lot of catching up to do.