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Animal Rescuer Needs AC Vehicle for Animals

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tblue37 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-24-05 08:44 AM
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Animal Rescuer Needs AC Vehicle for Animals
Steve Gilliard posted this on his blog at :


Hello, my friend. I need your help again. My father just got back from rescuing animals in New Orleans for the past couple of weeks. He's a certified animal rescuer and involved with many different Animal Organizations like HART, DART, CERT, HSUS, and Best Friends. He's resting at home here in Florida for a few days and will be going back to New Orleans early next week.

Unfortunately, even with all of these great organizations volunteering their resources and time my father says they are still in dire need of some very important things. Most importantly, he is trying to get his hands on an AIR CONDITIONED Transport vehicle. They need these type of vehicles to put the rescued and often injured animals in. Some times, these animals have to be in cages in NON-Air Conditioned vehicles for hours at a time. Some do not make it because of this.

I was hoping that you could use your influence to get the word out amongst your friends, coworkers and clients. Maybe someone will have an appropriate vehicle to donate for a month or so.

Of course, if you are unable to help with that request, my Dad says that food and other types of animal supplies are always appreciated and needed.

My Dad says that recognition of sponsors will be displayed on all rescue equipment and will be mentioned when addressing the media.

This is something that people could maybe think about when wondering what might be done to help the abandoned animals. Perhaps many people contributing small amounts of money could help arrange such a vehicle.
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