and i cannot cite the site here in that it is not 'du authorized scripture'; but the fact remains:
It was never a secret that the ranks of today's Washington neo-conservative war-party are filled with former first and second generation Trotskyists—personified by Irving Kristol, the former Shachtmanite Trotskyist, self-described "Godfather" of the entire neo-con apparatus, and the father of Weekly Standard editor William Kristol. What was ignored was the fact that both they and Vice President Dick Cheney are still fanatically committed to former Bolshevik minister of war Leon Trotsky's doctrine of "permanent revolution," and to the kind of permanent war which Cheney has created in Iraq, and is preparing to launch, very soon, as nuclear-armed warfare against Iran, and similarly permanent warfare against Syria, in South America, and elsewhere as soon, and as often as possible. It is this doctrine, which most historians associate with the name of Josef Stalin rival Leon Trotsky and his followers, which is presently the most immediate threat of mass-murderous violence to the world as a whole.
the draining & depletion of our national treasury for such ideology & the ilk what follows while spewing it, is now a national disgrace beyond refute & before the watching eyes of the entire world. first responder funding has been stripped, as has the funding for critical infrastructure vital to the operation of this republic for which 'it' stands.
aside from the super-rich gaining benefit like no other time in america's history for so little sacrifice; perhaps the only other thing that makes sense is letting the military handle disaster relief. i mean...they've gotten all the rest of whatever money way piddling around anyhow.
like a guy sent an email into cnn the other day and i paraphrase:
'i think it's a great idea for the military to be called upon to respond to hurricanes & national disasters. maybe they could help with our christmas shopping & perform gift wrapping duties as well'
"mission accomplished indeed" bush as bully puppet had no intention of 'starving the beast', his job was to slit the throat of America The Beautiful imo and leave her for dead.