but if you need something done quickly, www.freetranslation.com should fit the bill.
What's even funnier is to take an English phrase, translate it to another language, then re-translate it into English. The results are hilarious!
For example, here's the Xmas carol "Deck the Halls" translated into Portuguese and re-translated into English:
The convés the runners with branches of Fa hole read to read read read, read read read read. The Tildes the station be jovial, Fa read to read read read, read read read read.
We dress we now our vestimenta cheer up, Fa read to read, read read read, read read read. Contains in rondó the cântico old of tide of Christmas, Fa read to read read read, read read read read.
See what flashing Christmas before of us, Fa read to read read read, read read read read. Strike to harpa and unite-itself the chorus. The Fa read to read read read, read read read read.
Follow-me in happy measure, Fa read to read read read, read read read read. While I count of treasure of tide of Christmas, Fa read to read read read, read read read read.
Quickly distant the old passages of year, Fa read to read read read, read read read read. Health the news, mocinhos of ye and lasses, Fa read to read read read, read read read read.
We sung we, every Fa I join jovial read to read read read, read read read read. Negligent of the wind and resists to, Fa read to read read read, read read read read.