some doctor: This man came in having violent convulsions, saying he hated America, and rambling about bashing in skulls with baseball bats when he wasn't speaking in tongues. Also reporting of paranoid nightmares.
man: fuck you doc! fuck you and fuck everything
House: dirty look at some passerby, hobbles over to coffee machine "obviously some idiot doctor screwed up, it's always our fault"
doctor: "But House, you haven't even diagnosed him yet"
House: "No, and I'm not going to" * grimace, evil glare, hobble stagger hobble "That's what rookie scum like you are for"
doctor: "But I just gave you my diagnosis"
House: *deep, heavy, evil sigh* *splashes hot coffee in doctor's face* "No, you simply parroted what the EMTs told you over the radio, now get back in there and come up with some ideas I already know I'm going to tell you are all so incredibly wrong and that you should be stripped of your AMA credentials" *pause* *dirty look* *stagger* "Hurry up before I find a reason to remove the other half of your brain"
doctor: "Yes, okay, just after I tend to my facial burns"
doctor: "House, that coffee was over the pre-arranged 108 degrees, I have second degree burns on what feels like over 80% of my face, it HURTS, man!"
House: "The only hurt going on in here is my putting up with you, this hospital, this American Medical Association, and this laughable idea of a staff I have to work with"
patient - from other room " AND FUCK SPEILBERG, TOO!"
House: "Hmmm, he's got a point, I always wished E.T. would have caught terminal acute emobollistic hedantism fluminal repose."
patient: *in a moment of clarity* "Yes, while terminal acute emobollistic hedantism fluminal repose is arguably a nasty way to go, it's also the only fitting end for the person who wrote the screenplay for Jurassic Park III"
House: "hmmm, agreed. Hey, I've got two tickets to the playoffs, wanna come?"
patient: "Okay, but you've just GOT to teach me that evil look you give everyone, I want the method-actor's approach"
House: "Great, now go fill my coffee, I just might change my mind about you in the middle of the 4th inning"
The end.