look i have terrible terrible allergies (dust mites) but i just cleaned up some of that mold yesterday & i am fine, no problems, whatsoever, and i'm right effing here on the spot!
if you think you are allergic to mold, get tested, but don't let this play on yr mind, only a minority of ppl have mold allergy, despite my v. severe reaction to other allergens i am an example of one who has no issue w. mold whatsoever
if you ARE allergic to mold, it's mold in your own house or office
not mold from the gulf coast
it's ragweed season, i've seen it in bloom around here, now i'm not a ragweed reactor, but many ppl are, again, test to see what YOUR allergies are, don't speculate, find out, i don't know how far north ragweed grows but i strongly suspect it does reach the usa northeast
untreated allergy can progress to asthma and heart disease, don't sit there winding yrself up, find out if you have an issue & if you don't, relax
i'm betting you do not have a mold allergy