It was just a lot of speculation in a thread meant for spoilers. I didn't read one thread that talked about the "monster," for instance.
We all know it's not a monster because it sounds mechanical. But from what I can tell, it leaves no tracks. They keep talking about tracking methods on the island, so you'd expect a monster to leave monster tracks to its lair, yet there are none nor do they ever talk about it.
Yet we know there is something underground, we know that something must be coming from underground and "moves" the trees and tall grass, without, apparently, breaking many branches nor leaving any tracks.
Though it sounds like a machine that's bi or tri or quad pedal, the absence of tracks suggests that we may be a little let down when we do finally discover what it is, unless this thing walks across the branches of the trees. But, again, you'd find broken canopy on the ground if that were the case.
The only answer is that it hoovers. Most likely it is controlled by remote, maybe even a computer-programmed machine that kills people without feeling emotional about it. But then it brings up a good question. How did that kind of technology land on an island that is using 16 year old technology?
The other possibility is that, like the polar bear, it is a manifestation of someone's imagination. The island has magnetic abnormalities suggested by the deviations with the compass scene. So, maybe these magnetic deviations amplify kinetic abilities in some people?
Well, kudos for the Lost creators for creating a fun mystery to cogitate about.