to DU. Sometimes, the board here gets taken for granted, or sometimes we don't even think about what other boards elsewhere are like, and since I've had experience with other boards, I thought I would say thank you.
One board in particular, whose name I won't mention (not only because I don't want to offend anyone about, but also because no one would know what the hell I was talking about anyhow!) is a good case in point. Their political forum can be brutal, with several freepers who support this illegal regime blindly, and who tend to flame the liberals there to no end, even though there is a strong majority of liberals. For people with thick skins, it's one thing, to someone like myself who has gone through some personal hells in the last two and a half years, it was not okay. Some people take your personal information and use it against you, so that you can't even feel safe. I've gotten to the point where I don't tell anything anymore to anyone, and that is not right. I do more here, because I feel more at home, but passing on jokes and water cooler stuff is now the extent to my participation at some places.
I've been online now for 16 years. In all that time, there have been very few times that I've wanted to choke someone, but the fact is, more and more assholes are getting online or are simply getting nastier all the time. It's really a pleasure to come to a place where even if not everyone agrees with you totally on every issue, they are big enough to let you have your own opinion, even if they are against it. And they are big enough to not flame you, or use your words against you. It's because liberals really DO have a different attitude toward life and other people. They can let bygones be bygones, simply because they understand the need to be doing something of your own free will.
And while I have started some threads that got nowhere, and while I sometimes think I'm a threadkiller, and while I am not really so well known that people can kid me about much, I feel respected by some who have PM'ed me over time, and who have been wonderful and gracious. It's a feeling of inclusion here, of camaraderie, of similar goals and aspirations, and it's filled with people who really DO give a damn. And that's why I'm grateful to be part of it.
Thank you, one and all. :)