Very affordable and memorable as Christmas gifts.
The War Profiteers Card Deck exposes some of the real war criminals in the US’s endless War of Terror. This is no Sunday bridge club. These are individuals and institutions that stack the deck against democracy in the rigged game of global power. Exposing their place in the house of cards illuminates the links among corporations, institutions, and government officials that profit from endless war. The US War of Terror is not about liberation, democracy, or UN resolutions. Plainly put, the War of Terror--whether in Iraq, Colombia, Afghanistan, or the USA--is about subjugation, resource extraction, and opening markets: a practice once referred to more honestly as colonialism.
Each suit in this deck represents a category of war profiteers:
Spades: Oil, gas, and energy companies
Oil, gas, and energy companies
Hearts: US government officials (because they love you)
US government officials (because they love you)
Clubs: Military and defense contractors
Military and defense contractors
Diamonds: Heads of industry, finance, media, policy, and hype
Heads of industry, finance, media, policy, and hype
This deck is designed to support on-going campaigns against many of the evil-doers present here. For more extensive information on each of the players and how you can get involved, please refer to the links section at the bottom of each profile.