report it in 17 syllables?
From, not a Dude
From renga to haikai
The exact origin of hokku is still subject to debate, but it is generally agreed that it originated from the classical linked verse form called renga (??). There are two types of renga:
? The short renga, tanrenga, has a 5-7-5 - 7-7 structure. The first 5-7-5 of a short renga is called ch?ku (the longer verse), to which answers the remaining 7-7, tanku (the shorter verse).
? The long renga, ch?renga, consists of an alternating succession of ch?ku and tanku, 36 to 100 verses per volume. The first verse of a long renga is a ch?ku (5-7-5) called hokku (??, "the opening verse"), the second is a tanku (7-7) called waki, ... and the last is a tanku called ageku.
In the 1400s a rising middle class led to the development of a less courtly linked verse called haikai no renga (?????, "playful linked verse"). Haiku came into being when the opening verse of haikai no renga was made an independent poem at the end of the 19th century.