Since my gall bladder surgery, I have had my suspicions that the doctor installed a bottomless pit in place of the little defective bugger, because I have been constantly hungry. I am gaining a little weight here. So, I had a "Eureka" type thought this afternoon as to why this is happening.
Here's my logic: The surgeon said my gall bladder had swollen to more than twice it's normal size due to the stones. Add that fact to the fact that I am hungry more now and gaining weight and my suspicions can be explained very simply. The gall bladder was taking up space in my abdomen, thereby preventing my stomach from growing and suppressing my appetite. Of course, I felt full easier before, because my stomach couldn't expand. Now, there is this vast chasm of emptiness in my abominable...abdominable...(Aaaaaaaah, screw the spelling) abdominal cavity. My stomach, being the kind character that it is, doesn't want my other organs to feel lonely, so it's sending constant messages to my brain telling me to eat so it can mingle. So, you see, in a way, there IS a bottomless pit there now, at least in my stomach's mind. There is more room for it now, so I am actually gaining weight almost to what would be normal for my height and my appetite is more like what most consider to be normal.
which reminds me...
I'm hungry.
See what happens when I start studying basic physics? Imagine the bullshit I would come up with if I actually went for a bachelor's degree down the road... :crazy: