I work in a small office--there is the bosslady, bosslady's husband (who is not an owner on paper, but is VERY involved in EVERYTHING), me (assistant), the store "manager", and a few part-time (evening and Saturday help).
I feel like I'm the only reasonably sane and functional person in the whole building and I KNOW I have problems!!!
Basically, the owner(s) believe in make-money-quick schemes and instead of putting their money in promoting the right products and events, they are always out looking for the next "BIG"thing. They are extremely penny wise (lets not upgrade the computers -- ohh,crap -- they have viruses, what are we going to do NOW????) and pound foolish (If we bring big-name in for our next event we should make a few thousands dollars (always underestimating the number of people who actually will attend said event and the ACTUAL cost of the event (advertising, employee costs,etc), so the events only bring in a small portion of the expected funds....meanwhile, the stuff that we should have been working on is now behind because of the last minute big-name event. The store manager, doesn't know how to manage and gets pissy with the help -- in the last 7 months, 3 employees have quit. She thinks she does well at explaining the tasks, but when you talk to the workers, they have a completely different story.
I've learned alot and am at my wits end...unfortunately, with the shrubhuman's economy, available jobs with my skills are not easy to find.
I should write a book-- it would have to go in the fiction section....no one would believe the stories are true.