Right-wingers, apparently fresh out of adults, are now brainwashing the minds of children to their world view. Case in point: 13-year-old conservative "pundit" Kyle Williams has written a book called "Seen and Heard: America's Youngest Political Pundit Tackles the Lies and Truths of Politics and Culture." I am not kidding. He writes for World Net Daily. While he appears to be an intelligent young man, he also, to me, symbolizes everything I hate about conservatives: the smug, know-it-all tone and arrogance of a group that thinks they have all the answers.
Here's a line from a column. Does it sound...familiar?
"At this point in history, one could look at the Democratic Party as a ship, having lost its rudder and its captain, floating wherever the tide takes it. At the same time, there are numerous people attempting to assume the empty position as captain, but this vast struggle for power and order is causing the ship to lose its purpose and a unified agenda."
Jesus God, the kid isn't even old enough to vote yet.
No surprise that he's been homeschooled most of his life. How much exposure to the "truth" behind politics and culture do you get while homeschooled?
Does this disturb anyone else? What happened to just letting kids be kids? Do they really need to espouse a political philosophy that young? What happened to going to school, graduating, going to college/trade school/and/or joining the military, living life, and then beginning to understand a little about, as DM say, "The world we live in, and life in general?"
Here's a link to his WND archive. I find it creepy in the same way that dressing up a five-year-old little girl for a beauty pagent is creepy.