GOOOOD MORNING, MR. CHIEF JUSTICE! The daily business of admitting new members of the Supreme Court bar is not the most electrifying aspect of the court's work. But on Nov. 12, a murmur went through the audience when Adrian Cronauer rose to take the oath. Cronauer, 65, was the rambunctious Air Force disc jockey whose antics in Saigon were immortalized on screen by Robin Williams in the 1987 film "Good Morning, Vietnam."
Post-Vietnam, Cronauer worked in radio and sold Hollywood on the idea for the movie. The movie and ancillary pursuits helped pay his way through law school at the University of Pennsylvania. After graduating in 1989, Cronauer went into business as a communications lawyer in the District, with many radio stations among his clients.
Active in Vietnam veterans organizations and the Republican Party, Cronauer served as national vice chairman of Veterans for Bush-Cheney in 2000 and took a job at the Pentagon two years ago, working on POW-MIA issues. How accurate was Williams's portrayal? "Anyone who has been in the military would tell you that if I did half that stuff, I'd still be in Leavenworth," Cronauer said with a laugh. probably missed this being mentioned while I was (and still am) sick. Now I'm sick and depressed.