Please sir the door is right behind you,I don't want your money. I run a ethical place here,a place where the assumption is everyone is treated equally and respectfully including the clean-up staff and I am sure being respectful to the human dignity of my waitstaff would be very upsetting for you.I know you aren't used to staying in a hotel without being catered to above other's needs, and not allowed to berate someone like a dog for not waiting on you as you abuse them as if you are entitled too because you paid a room fee.
There is no room at this inn for any petty lords because all bullies tend to ruin any pleasant social mileu they get involved in..So... Bush would not be welcome here either because he has no decency, he's a petty lord who thinks he's entitled,he's an arrogant bully has no clue what equality is , he has no manners.
He can't even respect the queen's rose garden how could he understand how to respect the priceless things to me that I have in my little hotel? His money is not welcome because it is covered in corruption and blood.It's not worth it.
You are not part of the class of people we want to have in our fine establishment.So please do yourself a favor and find another hotel where people will put up with the likes of your kind. Better hurry it's growing late,alot of other places have made ethical choices to exclude rude,destructive,verbally abusive people too.and another hotel might be hard to find. You wouldn't understand our policy it's over your head.
(flick your wrist in his direction alluding to the door,and turn away dismissing him and ignoring him like other fancy hotels would dismiss a homeless person.)
(The repukes are classist bullies and they could not stand being treated like the poor for thier bad behavior.They just don't understand being an asshole by nature really can exclude you from participation and service.)
This should get him pissed off and then you can bounce him out.