ultimately, politically naive and a little oblivious to the real world. May miss the importance of a real job and life without a trust fund. (These, by the way, are based on my observations of political activists in and around Boulder, Colorado. YMMVWildly.)
Sam - populist; probably votes Dem, but not entirely happy with it. supports the working man, the small farmer, the small business owner. Distrusts privilege, government, wealth on principle.... loyal to a fault but might complain about the way the little guy gets treated and don't push him too far. He has a sting and will use it.
Sam: Mr. Frodo, I'm not letting you vote 3rd party. Frodo: Sam, go on. I'm doing this on my own. S: If you do this, Mr. Frodo, you're taking me with you. F: Go on, Sam! They need you in the Dems. S: I'm staying with you, Mr. Frodo, and that's final! And I'm not letting you vote 3rd party.
Merry and Peregrine - socialist anarchist. WTO-Seattle, Dubai, G8, FTAA.... you name it, they're there. Vote? sometimes, but often it's just to subvert the paradigm. Sometimes they go into the voting booth, take the ballot home, and turn it into performance art. Street theater is their milieu, freaking the straights out of complacency is their MO.
M&P: to Ents: So, you want t' see how ye can make sure that they leave you alone in the fa'est here, ya've got to get protesters to sit'n yar branches, say and get people to do yar injunctions, right? And doon't fergit to feed your branch sitters second breakfast, else how will a sitter be able to recite Rachel Carson at the orcs and tarn 'em around in their thinking?
Gollum - Annethrax Repug. Heartless, paranoid, murderous psychopath. Precious is code word for money. Semagol - Puppydog Dem. Scarred, wounded, inherently gentle and wants to be liked, needs approval.
Gollum: We mussst keeep the preciouss. Preciouss createses jobses.
Smeagol: Low paying jobses isss not enough! Massster and hobbitses ssstarves on the preciouses's jobses.
Gollum: Hobbitses are fat and lazzy! Hobbitses don't want to work! Hobbitses just want the precious without working for it!
Smeagol: Massster iss not! Massster works hard!
Gollum: Massster is trussst fund baby! Master hates Sssmeagol. Master is Limousine Hobbitssses. Massster lies.
Smeagol: Massster doesss not. (Whimper) Massster takes care of Smeagol. (Chin Quivers, eyes get big, looks small and lost.) Master got Smeagol worker's compensation and weekends and voting rights.
Gollum: Massster hates you. Masster stole the precious and then put it on Clinton's penisss. Masster dessecrated the Precious!
The hard ones are Elrond and Galadriel. Who would they vote for?
Politicat (who is now thinking about Harry Potter and which house is which political party....)