I followed the links to their commentary on this memo. Check this out:
Dec 01 2003 12:09PM EST
As the courts of ultraliberal states seek to impose their immorality on society, liberals ought to be preparing for the backlash, for their pendulum is swinging way too far to the left. It?s judicial legislating like this decision that says to the average God-fearing American that liberals are not simply for the separation of church and state. They are for the separation of church and society, pouring acid on our spiritual foundations, masking their contempt for God in their preaching for moral equivalence. They believe extremism in the defense of sin is no vice, and never mind the consequences.
not so clever nickname
re: blah
Dec 01 2003 01:10PM EST
2/10 on the trollmeter. You blew it with the 'pouring acid on our spiritual foundations' thing. That's way to complicated for the average 'God Fearing' white male conservative Republican to concoct....or for that matter, comprehend.
Why do most Republican sheep think 'God' is on their side anyway? Does he live at Wal-Mart?
re: blah
Dec 01 2003 01:47PM EST
No my "holier than thou" friend, it is you that want to impose your morality on others. It is your uber wealthy minority that are constantly shouting at the Whitehouse to undo Clinton era Social Engineering by replacing it with your own form of S.E. based in myth and fantasy. I don't want social engineering from either party, I want the majority to decide what they think is best for them selves.
One good example of the stupidity of your social engineering would be the War on Drugs. I know you think it is working splendid because is has created a new prison industry and put lots of inferior people who are weak enough to have a drug addiction (much like your pal Rush) into that system. Billions of our tax dollars have been spent and nothing good has come out of it for the majority of American citizens. All it has done is create more sophisticated and dangerous criminals. Once again a good result for your kind, because it is affirmation the world is evil and we need elites such as your self to play mommy and daddy. Check in with your Cato Institute pals if you want to read more details about why this Gipper era, now trillion dollar Social Engineering project is a big loser.
I love your pendulum analogy. Pendulums are also known be mechanism for telling time. You are the one holding the pendulum to your side and not allowing it move at all. You are living in the past.
Oh, shut the fuck up, douche!
Your trolling is unimaginative and banal. That is probably why you are unemployed. That is also why you never get laid.