The Person Who Found My Camera
Dear Sir/Madam:
First of all, I'd like to congratulate you on the acquisition of a Casio Exilim S20 compact digital camera. No doubt it was an exciting find after your fine meal at Houston's on Park, where delicious spinach dip is the signature item.
As you may have noticed, the Casio Exilim is a 2.0 Megapixel beauty with a 4X digital zoom. At under a half-inch thick, it's the perfect camera to put in your pocket and lose while dining out.
No doubt, you're wondering why the memory card contains 17 close-ups of a cat's ass.
I will explain, but first I'd like to make it perfectly clear that I am not attracted to cats, nor do I have any kind of collection of cat derrieres. I have no political or artistic statement to make. I am not trying to turn a tawdry collection of feline bungs into a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. All my cat relationships have been platonic and I did not in any way derive pleasure from having said photos in my possession.
I'm sure the discovery of 17 close-up shots of a cat's ass were surprising for you, to say the least. Possibly unnerving. Maybe they were wholly upsetting. Honestly, I'm not sure how I would react either. I can only hope you discovered the shots after you finished the delicious spinach dip - Houston's signature item. If you did not, you have my apologies as well as my camera.