BIN LADEN TO RUN U.S. POSTAL SERVICE White House Defends Latest Deal The White House became embroiled in controversy once again as it announced today that it had made a deal with Osama bin Laden to run the U.S. Postal Service. "Osama bin Laden is eminently qualified to run the U.S. Postal Service," Mr. Cheney told reporters. "For one thing, he's already disgruntled." The vice president denied reports that he was inebriated at the time the deal was made, adding, "I had one beer, tops, and I did not make a second trip to the keg."
Mr. Cheney said that critics of the bin Laden deal were being "narrow minded," saying that giving a multibillion-dollar government contract to the world's most wanted fugitive offered a unique opportunity: "This may be our best chance to find out where he is."
The vice president added that once Mr. bin Laden has control over the postal service, there was a chance that he could become a friend of the U.S., noting, "And once he is our friend, we will shoot him in the face."