Hi, all
It's been a strange day, and I either need consolation, or prayers (positive energy, good thoughts, an effective spell--I'm not choosy) for my safety. When I came into my office there was a message to call a colleague. I do, and she tells me a parishioner (of hers) was "assaulted" in front of my church last night. Not much more detail than that, and says I should be careful, but I shouldn't tell anyone else. ..?...I think, "Hmmm, that's odd." Since I not only work in the church but live on the grounds, and since I was out late last night taking out garbage but didn't notice anything, I decide to call the cops and ask whether I should be concerned.
I talk to this detective, who keeps saying they're investigating "what, if anything, happened". So I think to myself, "The cops don't think a crime happened." And I go to work on my sermon.
At lunch time I walk over to the church building (my office is in the "parish house" behind the church) for a Women's Fellowship meeting. While we're there, the owner of a local store comes in and announces that a rape took place between our church building and the church next door.
Now, I am most curious. When I get back to my office, I call the chief of police, with whom I serve on the local "Character Counts" board. I tell him of the two stories I've heard so far. I point out that the rumor mill seems to be at work. I ask him for clarification. He again suggests that they're not sure anything at all happened, and says I needn't be anymore careful than usual. He then jokes that my dog (a beagle whom he's seen and knows isn't at all aggressive) is "probably all the protection you need". I again decide there's nothing to be worried about.
So, I turn on my computer, and the first e-mail in my inbox is from yet another local pastor--serves at a church a block away--telling me that there was a rape in the alley--literally in front of my garage, from his description--last night, and an attack on a disabled man on my block a week ago.
So, I don't know what to think. I was very calm about this, but I feel myself slowly growing toward a panic. I'm thinking of buying pepper spray, and will be careful. I'm trying not to freak out. I'm also wondering what warning, if any, I should give my parishioners.
I live in a town of 18,500 on a major interstate about 90 miles from a very large city, with suburbs in between. This has been a center for agriculture, with 2 large grain elevators, and a factory town, but is beginning to grow. I live right downtown, but have never worried about my safety--traffic noise is the biggest problem usually. There's talk of a growing heroin problem, but I wouldn't know it if not for the newspaper and community meetings. So, generally, I feel safe.
Or, I did.
I mostly needed to vent, but the police chief asked me not to talk in town in any way which would feed the rumor mill.
so, of course, I thought of U...DU!!
Did I mention it's been a strange day?