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Are there any Hackers on DU that can shut down the Spammers

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La_Serpiente Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 04:13 AM
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Are there any Hackers on DU that can shut down the Spammers
once and for all? Seriously, they are really starting to be a nuisance. Being critical of anti-spammers is alright, but SENDING WORMS AND VIRUSES IS SOMETHING ELSE ALL TOGETHER!!!!


Spammers Unleash E-Mail Worm to Disable Critics

LONDON (Reuters) - Anti-spam organizations are the target of a new Internet worm outbreak that tries to knock them offline with a crippling data barrage, computer security experts said Tuesday.

Virus experts believe the worm, W32/Mimail-L, is the work of a vengeful spam e-mail peddler bent on paralyzing organizations that try to deal with spam, the torrents of get-rich-quick schemes and body-enhancement deals that clog in-boxes daily.

"It's the third Mimail variation to come after us, except this one is trying to do more," said Steve Linford, founder of The Spamhaus Project, a British-based group that singles out spammers. Spamhaus was hit by Mimail late Monday.

According to anti-virus and spam-filtering company Sophos Plc, the Mimail-L program comes as an attachment to an e-mail purporting to be from a woman named Wendy who details an erotic encounter and then offers naked photographs.


Spammers Galore

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whirlygigspin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 05:50 AM
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1. not only do we have hackers
Edited on Wed Dec-03-03 05:52 AM by whirlygigspin
we have people who can rig polls!

1 vote for you, 2 votes for me!

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