This particular scam bothers me so much!
Dear Rene,
Recently I informed you that Noble House, one of the foremost publishers of fiction and nonfiction works, was interested in your poetry. I had the pleasure of reading the poetry you have submitted in the United States, and I want to congratulate you on this grand endeavour. I also wanted to inform you that your talent and vision deserve appropriate international recognition as well.
For this reason, I have posted this letter to request your permission to include one of your favourite poems in Songs of Honour - a new poetry edition that is being distributed worldwide by Noble House . . . a collection of poetry that is perhaps unlike any you have ever seen . . . one where each poem is featured on its own page, and one whose quality is reminiscent of the finest 19th century antique poetry books.
Best of all, should you decide to obtain a copy of the edition for your personal library ... At only £26.18 (U.S. $45.55) for a hardbound, 225-page edition printed in two colours on ivory laid vellum, with a highly detailed, finely crafted ornate cover and a single poem to a page, this edition promises to exceed your expectations, and it will enjoy pride of place in your home. <snip>
Rene, you may also wish to consider giving the public some insight about you and your artistry for this poetic showcase . . .
Nigel Hillary Publisher, Poetry Division Noble House U.K.
My reply
Dear Mr. Hillary,
I'm sorry. I think this business is so sad. I entered a poem recently to an Internet contest so that I could qualify for a coupon for groceries. Since then I have had several offers to have my poem published in a book which I am then invited to purchase.
I am happily not in need of praise nor recognition. Nor am I naive. However, I know there are many desperate, struggling writers out there who are badly in need of reassurance. I think it is truly horrible that businesses like your prey upon these artists.
These volumes of "selected" poems are only read by the poor souls who believe their talents have finally been recognized and have fallen for your scam. What you are offering is for me to be included in a "Scroll of Chumps."
I have no need to have my work included in your sad book, nor in any publication that would require payment from me.
I feel very sorry for those who have suppressed their better judgement in order to believe your false flattery and to think themselves, laughably, published.
You should all be ashamed of yourselves.
Rene Bouchard
Oh well, like I said, will do no good at all, but it makes me so mad.