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Have you ever had times you kick yourself for not having your camera?

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mtnsnake Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-05-06 07:59 PM
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Have you ever had times you kick yourself for not having your camera?

Today my wife and I snowshoed up this mountain that we climb quite often because it's fairly close to home, and half way up we came across this HUGE beautiful porcupine just off the trail and about 12 feet up a tree. I've seen porcupines in the woods several times before, but usually they kind of stay in one spot, not moving too much, and are sometimes so high they're hard to observe. They're mostly nocturnal, too, but in the winter will sometimes be active during the day.

This particular critter was almost within arms reach and he put on a wonderful show for us moving around this one branch, eating away at the bark. It was so cool seeing him doing his thing from such a close distance, although we stayed back a bit just so we wouldn't upset him. It was amazing how agile he was with how he moved about. He had a real cute face on him, too. I wish I had brought my camera with me today because I could've gotten some great shots of him, but decided to leave it home because we were packing light and we had already taken pictures from this mountain several times before. Oh well, maybe next time.

A couple years ago, again when I didn't have my camera with me, we came across a pair of mature bald eagles up close and personal along a highway we were driving on. They were taking turns feeding on a dead deer carcass that had been killed along the road. One would fly into a tree right near the highway while the other would feast. Most amazing creatures I've ever seen. Oh how I missed my camera that day, too.

Have you ever had a time like that where you really regretting not having a camera with you?
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Richard Steele Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-05-06 08:05 PM
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1. Every time I leave the house without it!
I'm always coming across things that would make
good photos.

Unless I actually have the camera with me- then, not so much.
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