I started watching this movie I taped from Lifetime called "Betrayed". I knew what it was about before I taped it,but didn't think it would be as bad as it was until I started watching it.
Well,I couldn't finish it. It's about this FBI lady (Debra Winger) who starts seeing a white supremest (she didn't know he was one until he took her "hunting").That was all I could watch. PLEASE,for the love of God,someone tell me that was just a movie and this kind of evil doesn't really exist.
I am sick to my stomach over this. I really didn't need to see this.......especially after watching 60 minutes where they told about the torture and killings of the detainees that's STILL GOING ON TODAY!
What in the hell is wrong with so many people in this world? How can they be so nonchalant about taking someone else's life? How can they take such glee out of torturing and killing? I feel like crawling in bed and stick my head under the covers for about a week. God,I am depressed and so sad. :cry: