Why do sci fi movies never get any respect?
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Sun Mar-05-06 11:30 PM
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Why do sci fi movies never get any respect? |
There are some good ones. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for one. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow for two. Sky Captain was VISUALLY STUNNING. The Guide was hilarious and a wonderful film. What the hell? I'd see these movies before I'd see Brokeback Mountain or Crash. Although I must say the tv version of War of the Worlds that came out the same time as the Tom Cruise disaster of a movie was much better. :shrug: Anyone else ever wonder this? Duckie
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Sun Mar-05-06 11:39 PM
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Has any of the Star Trek movies won ANY Oscars?
"The Wrath Of Khan" was great.
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Sun Mar-05-06 11:40 PM
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3. I think that ST4 won for visual effects |
And I only remember that because the presenter refered to it as "Star Trek Eye Vee"
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Sun Mar-05-06 11:40 PM
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didn't Lord of the Rings win two years ago?
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Sun Mar-05-06 11:42 PM
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4. King Kong won a couple. |
So did "Revenge of the Shit". (that wasn't a typo)
Sci-Fi movies don't tend to win any of the "big" awards, it's true. Neither do comedies.
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Sun Mar-05-06 11:42 PM
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5. SKY CAPTAIN, though visually stunning... |
...had a fairly lightweight plot. It left me with a "been there, done that" feeling. OK, that's nice. Where's that Lord of War DVD?
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Sun Mar-05-06 11:44 PM
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6. Same goes for animated movies |
Toy Story, Shrek, and others deserved more respect at the award shows.
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Sun Mar-05-06 11:45 PM
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Edited on Sun Mar-05-06 11:46 PM by Sgent
that Ian McDiarmid didn't at least get nominated for supporting actor.
Edited -- for those that don't know, Ian McDiarmid played Chancellor Palpatine
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Mon Mar-06-06 12:19 AM
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8. "Contact" shoulda won a bunch. n/t |
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Mon Mar-06-06 12:31 AM
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9. a hundred times more ewoks still couldn't have made Return of the Jedi |
a worse film than the scientologist written/directed schmaltz-fest that was "Crash".
and it's the worst of the original trilogy according to more fans than either other film.
Hollywood, the cogers that run the nominating committees in it, are actually too CONSERVATIVE to take their collective heads out of their asses about the moronic scope they allow to be deemed as great films.
Plenty of critics are to blame obviously as they are the main influences on them.
It's bullshit group think. Citizen Kane is not the greatest film and a 60 year revolutionary plane isn't the best aircraft just because it influenced a ton of people in the aviation industry.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:40 AM
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