Andrea Wyatt, played by Kathleen York, is a fictional Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives representing the state of Maryland. She is a recurring character on the NBC political drama The West Wing
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. Representative Wyatt married to White House Communications Director Toby Zieglerwever their divorce occurred early in the first year of the Bartlet Administration, prior to The West Wing's first season, as shown in flashbacks in the fourth-season episode "Debate Camp." It appears she has been in office for a while, as in a third season episode she stated that she was the third ranking member on the House International Relations Committee. In the beginning of the fourth season, Wyatt announced that she was pregnant with twins, but kept it a secret during the 2002 election, during which she won reelection with 85% of the vote. Throughout the season, her former husband continually attempted to reconcile with her even going as far as buying a house, however she had no interest in him because she believes he is "sad and depressing" and a "not warm" person. At the end of the fourth season, she gave birth to twins: Molly, who was named after the secret service agent murdered in the Zoey Bartlet kidnapping that night; and Huckleberry, named after a Wyatt's grandfather. Wyatt did not appear on the show again until the end of the fifth season when she went with a congressional delegation to the Middle East. During that trip, two congressmen were killed, Admiral Percy Fitzwallace was killed and White House aide Donna Moss was critically injured. However, Wyatt escaped relatively unharmed.
Wyatt represents the fifth district of Maryland. In real life, the district is located in the DC suburbs of College Park, Greenbelt and Southeastern Maryland and is represented by House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer