So, for two hours, I've ridden about 4 buses, been through more than a half of the damn city, all to try to cash a check.
So, let's start out in the third floor of my Union. I try to cash a check from my parents. Nope, they can't do that. So, I go to the bank here and find that to cash the damn check, I'd have to pay a huge fee (and I'd find out I wouldn't have been able to cash a check there either.) So, here's where it gets fun. I get on the bus (1) and go to the other parking garage across the campus because I know there's a movie rental/convienience store/laundromat/whatever and I figure they might be able to cash it. And, of course, they can't. So, I go back to the Union via bus (2) and go to the sixth floor to look for a phonebook. I find one, and find that there's a branch of my parents bank near the campus. I take a bus (3) and go to the bank. Now, I'm waiting a little while, and I get to a teller, and find out... THAT I CAN'T CASH A CHECK FROM MY PARENTS UNLESS I HAVE A GOVERNMENT ID. So, I lose it, call my mother, tell her that the bank won't cash the damn check, and ask her to just get the damn money from the ATM. She does so, I rip the check from hell into a thousand pieces, and I get the money, I get a drink because I'm about to pass out from walking and riding and walking and riding. So, I finally take the bus (4) back to campus, and here I am.
SO, HOW IS YOUR DAY GOING?:grr: :grr: :grr: