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Aww, hell. The weather's shifting. I painted today & it's snowing tomorrow

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politicat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-08-06 12:31 AM
Original message
Aww, hell. The weather's shifting. I painted today & it's snowing tomorrow
I painted the living and dining rooms a great shade of stormy grey, took down the storm windows and the heat-sealant and took down the heavy drapes today.

And now I go look at the weather reports for tomorrow...

3-6 inches of snow. 20s and 30s.

Shit. So now I'm stuck with latex paint fumes, no storm windows (so the house will be cold), AND I need to finish the trim and get another quart of the grey to touch up some areas where it didn't go on perfectly. I also have Interlibrary loan library books that HAVE to go back. Which means driving.

In the snow.

I am Murphy's bitch.
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MissMarple Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-08-06 12:37 AM
Response to Original message
1. Ohooo.... snow. Cool, for you guys.
We're still in drought. I think Dobson has jinxed us. :shrug:

And tough beans on the library books. The library could use the change. :)
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politicat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-08-06 12:57 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. This will only be the third snow for us...
Honestly, I'd rather have rain. We all need the water, but it takes what, 8 inches of snow to get an inch of water? I've got sick plants from the drought and the freeze-thaw cycle; they're not going to make it through another cycle without a lot of babying. (There's an heirloom rose bush on the property that is at least 60 years old, and a couple of cottonwoods that are not happy with the weather. The lilac bush can live through anything.)

Ya'll need to host another Atheist Convention - the last time Colorado Springs held one, the city got 10 inches in 24 hours. Almost enough to make me believe in a god. (And it made Dobson froth at the mouth.) That was Easter 04, I think.

The books are already overdue - since they're Interlibrary loan, I can't renew them, so I wanted to finish them. They're getting three or four bucks out of me as it is. They've emailed me twice about them.... *oops*

Do you get up to the Denver Metro area often? Any interest in a Gathering?

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MissMarple Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-08-06 01:12 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. The girl child is in Fort least for now. I go north.

Water your plants.
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