Edited on Wed Mar-08-06 01:45 PM by mycritters2
Last week I wrote about a rumor or report or something of a woman being attacked on my church grounds--maybe. Well, that's all cleared up, I guess. The local radio station and newspapers say the police have filed charges of "filing a false police report" against the "victim". For several reasons it didn't ring true to me--like why, if you're being chased by an attacker at 7pm on Ash Wednesday in a neighborhood with like 5 churches, would you run into a secluded area of the riverwalk instead of into one of the churches for help? Seemed odd. BUt everyone was sure it had happened, so I was a little creeped out.
So, that gets cleared up (except for questions about why she did it, which may never be answered) when there was vandalism inside our sanctuary. Last night a violinist who gives lessons in our building was holding a recital. When she and the accompanist got there beforehand, they found sand (from a box of sand for placing candles in which we always have during Lent) in odd places in the sanctuary. Someone had put sand in the two collection plates, on one pew near the front of the sanctuary, in two votive candle holders on the lectern, and on the piano keyboard. The wierdest thing was the piano--they lifted up the canvas piano cover (it's a really nice grand piano, so the musicians take good care of it), then lifted the wooden keyboard cover, then put the sand on the keyboard, then replaced both covers. So, the accompanist found it when she wanted to rehearse. There was also sand (a lot of sand, really) on the seat where I sit during worship. And there wasn't sand just spread everywhere, just in those specific places.
The musicians think someone came in when they were having music lessons, because that's the only time the building is unlocked during the week. So now there's lots of speculation as to who did it and why. May have been just a kid. Since the piano needs repairing, the insurance company told us to make a police report. I called the police, they came and looked around, and said it didn't seem like just a kid's prank. Too methodical. Even asked me if I had any enemies. Except for two DU'ers I have on ignore, I don't think I do ;-)
Now people are wondering if it's because we're known as the only gay-friendly church in a conservative town. I hate to think it might be that. Mostly, I'm just creeped out that someone was wandering around doing this wierdness in our worship space--and then, again, there's the issue of my living alone right next door.
I'm going back to quiet, boring Iowa. I swear.