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Lost Loves. Who was HE or SHE?

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45th Med Donating Member (559 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 06:07 PM
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Lost Loves. Who was HE or SHE?
Tell me your story and I'll tell you mine. Who was that special person who you loved and somehow parted with? Do you ever wish you could see them again or know what could have been? It doesn't matter if you're married now, there must have been someone in the past who got away......
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matcom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 06:13 PM
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1. ah yes. she broke my heart at 12
won't post her name (cause i am SURE he HAS to be a good Lib these days) but

my rollerskating beauty queen! my first love. we made out behind the lockers once. the next week, i 'splurged' and bought her a LOVELY necklace at a costume jewlery counter in a drug store.

she LOVED it and we made out again: this time with TONGUE!

we chatted on the phone for WEEKS after that. i was SURE we would last forever.


she stopped roller-skating x(

STILL a shattered man to this very day (but very happily married) :D
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hippiechick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 06:21 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. You were getting tongue at 12 ?!?!?
Holy hell ! :wow:

I didn't have my first kiss 'til I was 15 !!!!

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matcom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 06:24 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. it must have been the silk Hawiian shirt
that i always wore to the rink on Friday nights.

or the white cord pants :D


i wont BEGIN to tell you what i was doing at 15 on the golf course BEHIND the roller rink!

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trof Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 06:21 PM
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2. I saw her again.
Edited on Wed Dec-03-03 06:22 PM by trof
With Miz t.'s knowledge and approval...more or less.
We had been good friends as well as steadies/lovers in college.
She never married.
Almost 20 years after college I had breakfast with her during a short stay in her city.
It was good to see her and I was glad I did.
Years later Miz t. told me she was VERY apprehensive about it, but (wisely) figured to bitch about it would only make forbidden fruit that much more desirable.
Did I marry a smart lady, or what?

There's one I STILL wonder about. From high school. How did her life turn out. What she's doing. Purely an academic exercise at this stage.
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Paragon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 06:26 PM
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5. No thanks
It's bad enough I still think about her every damn day, much less have to regurgitate again to a bunch of (friendly) strangers. :cry:
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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 06:44 PM
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6. Deleted message
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45th Med Donating Member (559 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 06:50 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. Welcome Johnny!
I feel for ya man. Read my post below. It has been 10 years that I have been in love with this woman and I still love her too. I have no idea where she is, who she is with but I still love her. I was depressed for a real, real, real long time......probably still depressed but in denial or something. Haven't had a girlfriend or relationship in 10 years. I probably need a therapist or some really good drugs.....

I'm trying to come around. I wish you good luck.
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45th Med Donating Member (559 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 06:46 PM
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7. OK. I've had several lost loves......I moved around alot........
Catholic High School Junior year, 2 months before my dad rotated overseas to Germany, I hooked up with a hot little redhead. My first time girl. Did un-godly things. Rotated out to Germany and got a few love letters, then the dreaded Dear John.

Freshman year in College (University Maryland, Augsburg) hooked up with a curly hair blonde during my Frat pledge. Made love in our dorm rooms, which was probably very awkward for my 3 room-mates.....well probably not since they were doing it to their girlfriends too.......flunked out of college and moved back stateside.

That same year, met the one I loved the most, most, most! Never had any physical relations with her other than kissing but I loved her and she said she loved me too. We went to her prom together and I rented us a Jaguar. I caught her making out with a friend IN MY OWN HOUSE.....IN MY COMPUTER ROOM and it broke my heart in two million, tiny, jagged, razor edged shards. I bought her tickets to see Steve Miller and the Doobie Brothers and that night she wanted to make love, but I said NO. (It was the hardest thing I've ever done in my LIFE! But, I feel it took courage to say no, even tho it was what I wanted more than anything on earth.) I was still hurt from seeing her with someone else. She moved away to college and crazily enough, we wrote each other love letters for 6 years while seeing other people, although she always said she has loved me. Saw her only 3 years ago, the last time and she said that if she hadn't moved away to college we'd be married by now. Haven't talked to her since, but I know she lives in my town now. Anyway, it has been a time period of 10 years from when we first met to now.)

I'm dyin' to contact her. I wish I had the guts to look for her and try and talk to her but she's always had a boyfriend whenever we see or talk and it kills me and I get really depressed for a while.
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SOteric Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 07:06 PM
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9. Mmmmm....
Bobby N, who's father had an Italian deli in North Beach. He kissed me in the pantry one day. I was 11, he was 15. Helluva kisser for a kid, but Italian boys are born gifted and learn early.

He cooled off rather quickly when he got into high school. Peer pressures against young lads who are hot for 12-year-olds being somewhat fierce.
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45th Med Donating Member (559 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 11:30 PM
Response to Reply #9
11. I know what you mean.
I was with this girl Jaimie in my Senior year (Germany) and we'd just sit on the leather couch in the senior hallway and just peck each other on the lips. We'd french too but only before or after school.....but it was the pecking that I loved the most.

You know, just light lip kissing. She invited me to spend the night with her one weekend when her parents and grandparents went to Frankfurt. We spent the day grocery shopping and made dinner and a birthday cake for her little sister. Then we were watching Disney's Robin Hood when her parents suddenly and unexpectedly came home. We got busted and I got kicked out of her house.....her dad was an Army Platoon Sargeant......AND HATED ME. We had to break up after that. She was supposed to be my prom date but I had to take someone else instead.

We reconnected a few years ago and have been emailing regularly since. I'd love to see her again but she is seeing someone. :(
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ChoralScholar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 11:20 PM
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10. Angela
Edited on Wed Dec-03-03 11:21 PM by ChoralScholar
I had never seen her before Homecoming of my Senior Year. I was 18. She was tall and beautiful. I took her to the homecoming dance and kissed her goodnight afterwards. I found out the following Monday she was 14. WTF? I refused to have anything to do with her socially after that. I mean, I was friendly and all, but she wanted to be with me very badly, and I could not even think about opening myself up for that kind of thing. Being accused of statutory rape is almost as bad as actually committing it when you're trying to become a teacher.

I saw her a few weeks ago (she's 22 now) and she's barefoot and pregnant 3x over and unmarried. I would have treated her like a queen if she had only been a little older. :(

EDIT: first name is sufficient
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