the continuing pursuit to give every single person a reality show, Wafah Dufour - Osama bin Laden's niece, who wisely dropped the Bin Laden part of her name - has inked a deal for cameras to document her "quest for stardom".
“I understand that when people hear my last name, they have preconceived notions, but I was born an American and I love my country,” Dufour said in a statement from ReganMedia announcing the deal to develop a reality TV series.
“Her story will bridge the gap that people feel exists between the cultures she has lived in,” ReganMedia President Judith Regan said.
It's an odd tug-of-war Dufour is undertaking: simultaneously distancing herself from her much-bearded terrorist uncle, while at the same time cashing in on the fact that she shares his criminal mastermind blood. Then again, one thing television lacks is a show about an unknown (actress, designer, singer, model, inventor, juggler, or famous person) winning a competition, their reward a place in the public consciousness for 3-5 months.