InfoManiac and I met after work today to hang out and talk. We were in a very cool irish pub/restaurant called Clancy's at 52nd and 2nd here in Manhattan.
There was a family at the next table. The father was talking very loudly about the town being set up in Florida according to Catholic values. No porn, no fornicating, no contraceptives "and other things", etc. We were sitting there trying very hard not to laugh out loud at this guy. He definitely provided the evening's entertainment. Loud, pompous, imperious, and did I mention that he was loud? :rofl:
He's talking about all of this in front of his son, who couldn't be more than 9-10 years old. One of the women at the table was asking whether they had a way to stop people from getting contraceptives through the mail.
And then the conversation turned to Brokeback Mountain and how "they shouldn't be allowed to make films about homosexuals."
Btw: this place is someplace to consider for a DU meet-up at some point. The seating area in the back was pretty comfortable and the bathrooms were clean. We didn't have any of the food there (we had Mexican earlier) but the food smelled great. They even had some kind of curried steak fries. I definitely want to go back and try those.