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Latest RH Jr meltdown

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Archae Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 09:38 PM
Original message
Latest RH Jr meltdown
I know, Adam Yoshida is screwier.

But Ralph Hayes Jr out-did himself, with this total meltdown.
Anyone want to have fun tearing this "Too idiotic to be a Freeper" a new one?

To Be a Liberal
To be a post 9-11 liberal, you have to believe....

1) ...That Saddam Hussein secretly destroyed all the illicit weapons he still had at the end of the first Gulf War, and even though it cost him billions in trade and eventually his country, refused to account for them.

2)...That every intelligence agency on earth got it wrong when they said Saddam had and was working on WMDs.

3) ...That when Saddam threw the UN inspectors out the first time, he was only funnin.'

4)...That all the Iraqis, including one of his elite bodyguards, who said Saddam had WMDs were just funnin.'

5)...That even though Al Qaeda had training camps in Saddam's Iraq, got vocal support from Saddam's Iraq, and even had clandestine meetings with the despotic rulers of Saddam's Iraq, that Saddam and Al Qaeda were never, ever working togethor.

6)...That the man who raped, tortured, and butchered his own people for laughs was a legitimate ruler, but the man who sent in the army to stop him isn't.

7)...That rousting a tyrant and his regime , and building a free country in it's place, is a "failure" if it takes longer than popping a bag of microwave popcorn.

8)...That removing the biggest financial and logistic supporter of terrorists around the world isn't part of the war on terror.

9)...That the tens of thousands of Iraqis describing the gruesome torture methods of their erstwhile leader are just funnin.'

10)...That invading a country and deposing a mad-dog regime attempting to arm itself with nukes is "hypocritical" if you don't overthrow another mad-dog regime that already has nukes, and is itching for an excuse to use them.

11)...that anyone still believes you when you pretend you would have supported an effort to overthrow that nuke-enabled mad-dog regime.

12)...That the best way to fight terrorists is to throw down your gun and run away.

13)...That the best way to secure peace in the mideast and a free nation in Iraq is to throw down your gun and run away.

14)...That you can "support the troops" while despising and attacking the job they signed on to do.

15)...That Hillary rode into Iraq with trumpets blaring for noble and compassionate reasons, but President Bush went there in secret for callous publicity and political motives.

16)...that a student of Yale and Harvard, a former CEO, a man who flew fighter jets, who was governor of one of the largest states in the union and now the leader of the free world, who organized two military campaigns that were won with lightning speed and who has spent the last 3+ years kicking your political ass, is somehow "stupid...." yet a wooden-faced mama's boy who couldn't even recognize the founding fathers of his own country is a "genius."

17)...that W is simultaneousy "Sewwwww STOOOOPID," and the ringleader of a vast rightwing conspiracy responsible for everything from the fall of the Roman Empire to your dog Muffy choking to death on a chicken bone.

18)...That a man wearing a flag and singing 'God Bless America' is a jingoistic stooge, but a rioting mob of unwashed, patchouli-reeking vandals waving misspelled signs equating Bush with Hitler and jews with nazis, puking on courthouse steps, setting fires, smashing up storefronts, burning flags, blocking traffic and assaulting cops, are the picture of patriotism.

19)...That hollywood actresses and musicians have a better grasp of sociopolitics than the President and his staff.... or anybody who actually works for a living, for that matter.

20)...That the Democrats have any hope in hell in 2004.
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bluestateguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 09:44 PM
Response to Original message
1. Ah! The musings of conservative white men.
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MrScorpio Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 10:54 PM
Response to Original message
2. Replies
Edited on Wed Dec-03-03 11:09 PM by MrScorpio
1) ...That Saddam Hussein secretly destroyed all the illicit weapons he still
had at the end of the first Gulf War, and even though it cost him billions in trade and eventually his country, refused to account for them.

- No, They were destroyed right after the first Gulf War. Nobody every accused the Iraqis of keeping perfect records.

2)...That every intelligence agency on earth got it wrong when they said Saddam had and was working on WMDs.

- If those intelligence agencies were on Middle-Earth two, of course they got it wrong. The ones on this Earth said no such thing.

3) ...That when Saddam threw the UN inspectors out the first time, he was only funnin.'

- Saddam didn't "throw them out". They were pulled out by the UN because the Chief Inspector didn't want to have to explain why his guys were killed by US bombs.

4)...That all the Iraqis, including one of his elite bodyguards, who said Saddam had WMDs were just funnin.'

- Is it ironic that all these Iraqis happened to be on the payroll of the Pentagon? Ummm.

5)...That even though Al Qaeda had training camps in Saddam's Iraq, got vocal support from Saddam's Iraq, and even had clandestine meetings with the despotic rulers of Saddam's Iraq, that Saddam and Al Qaeda were never, ever working togethor.

- Those training camps were in a US protected no-fly zone. The meetings turned out to be faked. And Saddam and al Qaeda hated each other's guts. So why would they work TOGETHER?

6)...That the man who raped, tortured, and butchered his own people for laughs was a legitimate ruler, but the man who sent in the army to stop him isn't.

- At least the first guy won an election.

7)...That rousting a tyrant and his regime , and building a free country in it's place, is a "failure" if it takes longer than popping a bag of microwave popcorn.

- Only some fool who equate the horror of war with a movie would ask an idiotic question like this.

8)...That removing the biggest financial and logistic supporter of terrorists around the world isn't part of the war on terror.

- What?!? We finally attacked Saudi Arabia? Nobody told me.

9)...That the tens of thousands of Iraqis describing the gruesome torture methods of their erstwhile leader are just funnin.'

- Yeah, and he was doing it while he was on our payroll and shaking hands with a certain guy named Don.

10)...That invading a country and deposing a mad-dog regime attempting to arm itself with nukes is "hypocritical" if you don't overthrow another mad-dog regime that already has nukes, and is itching for an excuse to use them.

- It would only be "hypocritical" if the first guy was REALLY attempting to get those weapons. Otherwise, it would only be "cowardly" in the case of the second.

11)...that anyone still believes you when you pretend you would have supported an effort to overthrow that nuke-enabled mad-dog regime.

- HUH?!? Who the fuck are you talking about? Bush has his nukes and he's keeping them.

12)...That the best way to fight terrorists is to throw down your gun and run away.

- The best way to fight terrorists id to get your friends and allies to join a legitimate fight, not alienate them by attacking an unconnected and defenseless country.

13)...That the best way to secure peace in the mideast and a free nation in Iraq is to throw down your gun and run away.

- The best way to secure the peace is to get the Israelis from attacking the Palestinians and vice versa. Not giving a bunch a jerks a ready made excuse to step up the conflict a notch or two.

14)...That you can "support the troops" while despising and attacking the job they signed on to do.

- The best way to support the troops is to keep them from getting killed in a needless war and making sure that they're paid everything they're deserved and more instead of cutting the support strings while smiling in their faces.

15)...That Hillary rode into Iraq with trumpets blaring for noble and compassionate reasons, but President Bush went there in secret for callous publicity and political motives.

- Which one of the two had to sneak in and out of the country? That should answer your question.

16)...that a student of Yale and Harvard, a former CEO, a man who flew fighter jets, who was governor of one of the largest states in the union and now the leader of the free world, who organized two military campaigns that were won with lightning speed and who has spent the last 3+ years kicking your political ass, is somehow "stupid...." yet a wooden-faced mama's boy who couldn't even recognize the founding fathers of his own country is a "genius."

- Who's that first guy? Doesn't sound like anyone I know.

17)...that W is simultaneousy "Sewwwww STOOOOPID," and the ringleader of a vast rightwing conspiracy responsible for everything from the fall of the Roman Empire to your dog Muffy choking to death on a chicken bone.

- Now you're getting weird.

18)...That a man wearing a flag and singing 'God Bless America' is a jingoistic stooge, but a rioting mob of unwashed, patchouli-reeking vandals waving misspelled signs equating Bush with Hitler and jews with nazis, puking on courthouse steps, setting fires, smashing up storefronts, burning flags, blocking traffic and assaulting cops, are the picture of patriotism.

- In America, exercising our freedom of speech makes us ALL patriots.

19)...That hollywood actresses and musicians have a better grasp of sociopolitics than the President and his staff.... or anybody who actually works for a living, for that matter.

- Only a no-talent hack could come up with that kind of reasoning.

20)...That the Democrats have any hope in hell in 2004.

- Not in hell, my friend, but in the voting booth for sure.
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Archae Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-03-03 11:11 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Thanks.
Somebody though really nailed the idiot, by saying the orderlies with Ralphs medications must be late. :-)
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