He forces the clone to go to work, while he stays home and goofs off. The duplicate shows up to work, but has problems. He makes lewd come-ons to the secretarial staff, he cusses out the boss on a daily basis, and wears only skimpy speedos on hot summer days. Again and again the scientist tries to fix the problems, but they get worse. Soon the clone is groping the female scientists, drawing a huge dong with the word "you" under it on the boss's door, and exhibiting a frightening degree of flatulence, working always in the nude. Finally the scientist can't stand the harm to his good name any longer. He arrives at the office building, finds his duplicate on the 32nd floor and pushes him out the window. The doppelganger falls to his death. The cops arrive, and the scientist is smug. "There's nothing you can charge me with--I created him, I have the right to destroy him." The cops mull it over for a while and then arrest him. He asks "On what charge?"
They say "For making an obscene clone fall."