Alice is visiting her sister, brother-in-law and baby nephew in Germany, so I'm left as sole cat toy. As I'm somewhat allergic, I generally hang out in the kitty-free room, but there little cat brains have penetrated the concept that even when he's invisible, Big Stinky Man Thing is still behind that closed door. So they come and mew plaintively until I come out and pet them extensively. Not terribly long ago, I figured out that if it's dander and spittle that I'm allergic to, that if I pet the tops of their heads and the backs of their necks (where they can't lick), I ought to be golden. So far it's working out well for everybody. I sit on the ottoman and they run up to be petted. It's fun to be worshipped. Whatever happened to those aloof cats who completely ignore people that I always used to hear about?:D