Because I refuse to watch the new CBS show called "The Unit." Yep, that show is a "unit" all right. Long story short (that means this is going to be a long story, btw), I hate being on a day schedule, but I am because they only offer the Computer Engineering program in the day time. I get very few chances to just vegetate in front of the television and let my mind quit reeling from all the equations and schoolwork. I'm burned out on reality like crazy. I didn't get to spend long on DU earlier. I had just finished my homework and came by to say hello and rave about how great the new Journal feature is. My aunt called me to let me know NCIS (with the adorable Paulie Perrette as Abby) was coming on. We don't get to spend enough quality family time together, so we watch a short list of television sitcoms and dramas together to get to spend some time as family.
My aunt and I usually watch "NCIS" then "House" then either "The Amazing Race" or "BigBrother" (depending on the season between those two) on Tuesday nights. For some unbelievable cursed reason, FOX decided not to show "House" for three weeks or something like that.
Well, CBS has a new show called "The Unit." My aunt and I grumbled about being tired of hearing about "terruhism" and "Amurkka" and gave that drivel about 2 minutes. We watched and remembered how sick we are of seeing camoflage, guns, and CIA thugs. After 1 minute, something just crawled up in my throat and sat there threatening me with a long hideous laborious porcelain throne hugging session. I just couldn't. I won't watch that psychological warfare programming. And that is what I think "The Unit" really is. It is more red state ass kissing. I'm sorry folks. I just had to get it off my chest. I'm tired of absolutely every new show on television being geared toward red state Amurka. I'm tired of it. I've had it. I won't watch it. I won't. In the words of the great Sassy from the movie, Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey, "She won't. She won't. She won't. She won't. She won't. She won't. She won't."
I'd rather be here in the Lounge anyhow. :hi:
Btw, sorry this is such a long :rant: