Dear Journal:
Hi Journy!
Today Donald Rumsfeld, (you know, my friend, Rummy I tell you about sometimes? Him.), was giving me his daily briefing on Iraq. He concluded, (that means "ended," in case you didn't know. Did you know? I sure didn't the first time I heard it.), by saying "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."
"OH NO!" I said! "That's terrible!" You should have seen my staff, Journy. They were all starin' at me like I just said Jesus wasn't really my Lord N' Savior, or something! Well I sat there for a minute and put my hands on my face like they do in the movies when they're sad. I like movies. Well anyway, I just had to know, because I'm the President, see, and I've got to have the facts, so I asked Rummy, "How many is a brazillion?"
Guess what, Journy. When the American People found out about this meeting, (and whoever leaked it is in BIG TROUBLE!), and saw that I'm a compassionate War President, they just laughed! Can you believe that? Presidentin' is hard work.
Well Goodnight, Journy. It's almost 9:00 and I have to get into my jammies or else Laura will be mad at me. See you tomorrow!