For the Men: Facial Hair
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Thu Dec-04-03 11:43 AM
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Poll question: For the Men: Facial Hair |
OK, now on to the facial hair. For the men...
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Thu Dec-04-03 11:45 AM
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Not mutton chops at all, but pretty substantial 'burns.
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Thu Dec-04-03 11:46 AM
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2. a tad bit cleanshaved but peach fuzz, I am a kid after all heh |
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Thu Dec-04-03 11:47 AM
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My wife made me grow them to look older. She's eight years older than me and she was self-concious about it. I like them just fine now.
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Thu Dec-04-03 11:49 AM
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I have a full beard, but occasionally I shave off the mustache when the hair starts to get so long that it will fall into my mouth.
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Thu Dec-04-03 11:51 AM
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With a mustache. But I change my facial hair as often as I change sig lines. :D
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Thu Dec-04-03 11:52 AM
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i like the scruff i get after not shaving for a day. my girlfriend likes the shadow look.
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Thu Dec-04-03 12:05 PM
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I totally dig the "scruffy" look. And it's nice and scratchy. ;-)
Spider Jerusalem
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Thu Dec-04-03 11:54 AM
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7. Neatly trimmed goatee, no mustache, and sideburns. |
At the moment, anyway...probably shave it off in a few months. I seem to go back and forth between clean-shaven and wearing a goatee (I just don't like mustaches or full beards, for some reason. Call it a personal quirk).
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Thu Dec-04-03 12:03 PM
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Had mine for some 33 years now with just 2 shave-offs (I think) in that time. I had more gray in it 10 years ago than I do now since I've improved my diet. I keep mine on the longish side.
Another Bill C.
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Thu Dec-04-03 12:04 PM
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On the 4th of July weekend in 1967 I didn't shave. My wife liked the look. I've had a full beard ever since except for 1992. I shaved it off that year and my kids didn't like it.
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Thu Dec-04-03 12:06 PM
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11. I'm kind of scruffy... |
Edited on Thu Dec-04-03 12:07 PM by sexybomber
I only shave on weekend nights when I have to look slick for the ladies. :evilgrin:
on edit: but my massive sideburns stay.
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Thu Dec-04-03 12:07 PM
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I dance in the Nutcracker every year, so starting in October when rehearsals start I start growing out the chops. It gives me a good 1890's look. They come off New Years Day.
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Thu Dec-04-03 12:09 PM
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13. Full beard and moustache |
For reasons of both aesthetics and laziness.
And when it needs trimming, Mrs. Squeech actually enjoys maintaining it.
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Thu Dec-04-03 12:10 PM
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14. Full beard and moustache |
For reasons of both aesthetics and laziness.
And when it needs trimming, Mrs. Squeech actually enjoys maintaining it. (Maybe it's because I can't talk while she's doing it.)
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Thu Dec-04-03 12:10 PM
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15. I never thought, years ago when I was a young man..... |
..that I would ever be the kind of guy to wear a mustache and goatee.
Now, I couldn't see being without them.
I feel it makes me look more distinguished and somehow "sharper".
That, and it covers up a few facial imperfections that seem to occur once we get a bit older.
It would seem that quite a few DU men would agree.
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