I was too shy in school to try to pull off that kind of stuff, so I just didn't do work when I didn't want to. :shrug:
I can however, tell you a story about one of my buddies in high school.
We had a Business English class together- and this is the day that we started hanging out. We had to do an assignment, either with a partner or by ourselves- a 2 minute speech, with a prop (or just a poster) about something important to the career we wanted as adults. (Mine was being a writer, I chose the copyright symbol) So J.'s turn comes up. And he doesn't have any "career" chosen, because he didn't care about career stuff. But he did have a speech, LOL. He talked to us about NORML. His prop- a huge poster board plastered with various pictures of marijuana, cut out of High Times magazine. With an empty space in the middle, wherein he wrote NORML in black marker- I think a tiny bit of info, though I can't remember for sure. Most of the kids snickered at first. But then his 2 minute mark came up- by this point I couldn't stop laughing- he was going on and on about pot, and how it's not harmful at all, and how great NORML is. And the teacher tried to stop him- but he kept going! His 2 minute speech ended up being over 5 minutes before the teach got him to quit- the whole time I sat there LMAO and I *knew* that's what kept him going. Somehow, he managed not to get an "F".
I know that even better now, he's so egotistical and loves attention. J.'s a great guy- after that speech we started talking and he was the one that initially got me really into politics.