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Star Trek "20 questions" thread

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Ron Mexico Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 06:55 PM
Original message
Star Trek "20 questions" thread
Edited on Sat Mar-18-06 06:58 PM by Ron Mexico
My answers will appear in parentheses.

1.) Which was your favorite series? (TNG)

2.) Favorite captain? (Kirk)

3.) Favorite movie? (Unlike the 99% of those who will answer "Wrath of Khan," I prefer "Generations")

4.) Worst movie? (the first one)

5.) Are there any of the series you didn't watch? (Enterprise)

6.) Your least favorite series? (DS9)

7.) Complete this sentence: "Most people don't agree with me on this, but I really liked..." (Voyager)

8.) Favorite episode of the original series? ("A Piece of the Action")

9.) Favorite TNG episode? (The one where Worf keeps going through parallel universes)

10.) Favorite Voyager episode? (The 100th one, where Harry tries to correct a mistake he made in his youth)

11.) Favorite DS9 episode? (The one with "Red Squad")

12.) Favorite Enterprise episode? (Never saw one)

13.) Favorite character in the original series? (Chekov, especially in "Trouble with Tribbles")

14.) Favorite character in TNG? (Worf)

15.) Favorite DS9 character? (Jadzia Dax)

16.) Favorite Voyager character? (Seven - and not just based on sex appeal)

17.) Favorite Enterprise character? (The female Vulcan - this one IS based on sex appeal, because I don't know anything else about the series)

18.) Funniest moment in any episode of any series? (When Data asks Worf to take care of Spot, and says "You must tell him that he is a good cat. And a pretty cat.")

19.) Funniest moment in any of the movies? (The look on Savik's face when it looked like the crew was stranded on Genesis, Kirk calls Spock and says "It's been three hours, are you ready to beam us up?")

20.) Main character in any series or movie with the most sex appeal to you? (Enisgn Ro)

Edited to change my answer to the last question, since I just thought of Ro and had to bump Beverly Crusher to second place)
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LeftyMom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 07:10 PM
Response to Original message
1. LMommy's answers:

1.) Which was your favorite series? DS9

2.) Favorite captain? Picard.

3.) Favorite movie? Ooh, tough one. I really can't decide between The Wrath of Khan and The Voyage Home.

4.) Worst movie? Nemesis. This isn't even up for debate.

5.) Are there any of the series you didn't watch? Ever? No. I don't see much of Enterprise or Voyager by choice, though.

6.) Your least favorite series? Voyager

7.) Complete this sentence: "Most people don't agree with me on this, but I really liked..." the grittier feel of DS9.

8.) Favorite episode of the original series? The Enterprise Incident

9.) Favorite TNG episode? The Best of Both Worlds Parts 1 &2

10.) Favorite Voyager episode? I don't have one.

11.) Favorite DS9 episode? I don't know if I can pick. You can't make me.

12.) Favorite Enterprise episode? Carpenter Street. The sequence with T'Pol and the fast food drive through is a riot.

13.) Favorite character in the original series? Scotty.

14.) Favorite character in TNG? Ro Laren.

15.) Favorite DS9 character? Garak.

16.) Favorite Voyager character? I don't really have one.

17.) Favorite Enterprise character? T'Pol.)

18.) Funniest moment in any episode of any series? Data gets lucky:

Yar: "You are fully functional, aren't you?"
Data: "Of course, but ..."
Yar: "How fully?"
Data: "In every way, of course. I have been programmed in multiple techniques, a broad variety of pleasuring ..."
Yar: "You jewel! That's exactly what I hoped."

19.) Funniest moment in any of the movies? Spock's run-in with the punk guy with the boombox on a Muni bus.

20.) Main character in any series or movie with the most sex appeal to you? Ben Sisko. :loveya:
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ForrestGump Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 07:10 PM
Response to Original message
2. Not familiar with most of the "Star Trek" canon
My answers will also appear in parentheses.

1.) Which was your favorite series? ("Star Trek")

2.) Favorite captain? (Kirk)

3.) Favorite movie? (Can't recall -- only seen four of them, I think -- the first one was too tedious and Nemesis, that I saw twice while trapped aboard aircraft, was a pile of junk....I think I liked the one with San Francisco and the whales)

4.) Worst movie? (Nemesis because it put me to sleep on the first flight -- this hardly ever happens -- and on the second it made me wish I was asleep)

5.) Are there any of the series you didn't watch? (all of them except the original..saw a few minutes here and there of Next Generation)

6.) Your least favorite series? (N/A)

7.) Complete this sentence: "Most people don't agree with me on this, but I really liked..." (N/A)

8.) Favorite episode of the original series? (can't recall...don't know any titles and can barely remember any plotlines...used to like watching it, though)

9.) Favorite TNG episode? (N/A)

10.) Favorite Voyager episode? (N/A)

11.) Favorite DS9 episode? (N/A - but DS1 is still pretty cool)

12.) Favorite Enterprise episode? (N/A)

13.) Favorite character in the original series? (Mayeb a composite of Spock and Kirk...had a big crush on Lt Uhuru :D )

14.) Favorite character in TNG? (N/A)

15.) Favorite DS9 character? (N/A)

16.) Favorite Voyager character? (N/ this the one with the blonde with the well developed pectoral region? )

17.) Favorite Enterprise character? (N/A)

18.) Funniest moment in any episode of any series? (can't remember..but Spock would have been involved)

19.) Funniest moment in any of the movies? (When Bill Shatner sang "Rocket Man" -- wait a minute, that's the answer to "what would you have them do to add life to the first movie?")

20.) Main character in any series or movie with the most sex appeal to you? (Uhuru!)
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Oeditpus Rex Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 07:32 PM
Response to Original message
3. 1.) Which was your favorite series? (TOS)
2.) Favorite captain? (Kirk)

3.) Favorite movie? ("The Voyage Home")

4.) Worst movie? (The first one, no contest.)

5.) Are there any of the series you didn't watch? (Watched only a few episodes of any besides TOS.)

6.) Your least favorite series? (Any besides TOS.)

7.) Complete this sentence: "Most people don't agree with me on this, but I really liked..." (having impure thoughts about yeomen Rand and Barrows.)

8.) Favorite episode of the original series? ("The City on the Edge of Forever")

9.) Favorite TNG episode? (n/a)

10.) Favorite Voyager episode? (n/a)

11.) Favorite DS9 episode? (n/a)

12.) Favorite Enterprise episode? (n/a)

13.) Favorite character in the original series? (Spock)

14.) Favorite character in TNG? (n/a)

15.) Favorite DS9 character? (n/a)

16.) Favorite Voyager character? (n/a)

17.) Favorite Enterprise character? (n/a)

18.) Funniest moment in any episode of any series? (Tie — two from "A Piece of the Action: when Kirk's driving the flivver, and "I would advise ya's to keep dialin', Oxmyx;" and from "Tribbles," when Kirk dresses down the crew who were in the bar fight. Oh — and the end of "Amok Time," when Spock realizes he hasn't killed Kirk after all.)

19.) Funniest moment in any of the movies? (Spock trying to grasp the nuances of profanity in "The Voyage Home.")

20.) Main character in any series or movie with the most sex appeal to you? (Yeoman Barrows; she wasn't as needy as Rand, and she was a brunette.)
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hfojvt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 07:48 PM
Response to Reply #3
8. no contest?
I liked the first movie. I have seen it about four times, usually edited by television (it definitely was looooong). I thought the Wrath of Roark was a huge let-down. Plus everybody knew Spock was gonna die and WTF is with everyone wanting to kill off Spock, except that there was one James Blish? book titled "Spock must die". The death scene was good, but the whole Kobiyashi maru thing made no sense. Kirk said "Scotty I need warp speed in 3 minutes, or we are ALL dead" so clearly the needs of the few did not fall before the needs of the many because Spock was gonna die too unless Scotty went in there and made the repairs and logically superior Vulcan metabolism made Spock more capable of saving everyone. Spock really did not have the option of not dying the way Bruce Willis did in Armageddon.

The next movie #3 is even worse - it has a lame Saavik, and it blows up the Enterprise!!! The whole "death of Kirk's son" was lamely done, and all too inevitable - TOS characters are not allowed to have spouses or progeny (for more than one episode). The only redeeming features of that movie were Uhura's scene with Mr. Excitement and Sulu's thrashing of the guy who called him "Tiny". (and to me, it is Shatner's double-take which makes that scene).
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Oeditpus Rex Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-19-06 12:08 AM
Response to Reply #8
24. Forgive me, but
I was under the impression the survey asked for my opinion.
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hfojvt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-19-06 04:04 PM
Response to Reply #24
29. forgive me, but
I was under the impression that we could discuss things here and not simply engage in churlishness.
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vikegirl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 07:33 PM
Response to Original message
4. here goes..
Edited on Sat Mar-18-06 07:40 PM by vikegirl
1.) Which was your favorite series? TNG

2.) Favorite captain? Picard

3.) Favorite movie? First Contact

4.) Worst movie? The Final Frontier

5.) Are there any of the series you didn't watch? Enterprise, Voyager

6.) Your least favorite series? Enterprise, Voyager - Didn't watch

7.) Complete this sentence: "Most people don't agree with me on this, but I really liked the Worf/Troi pairing."

8.) Favorite episode of the original series? The one with the Greek God Apollo and how the Greeks mistook aliens as gods.

9.) Favorite TNG episode? The one where Troi sees a murder some years ago that affects her relationship with Worf.

10.) Favorite Voyager episode? N/A

11.) Favorite DS9 episode? Can't remember

12.) Favorite Enterprise episode? N/A

13.) Favorite character in the original series? Sulu

14.) Favorite character in TNG? Picard

15.) Favorite DS9 character? Odo

16.) Favorite Voyager character? N/A

17.) Favorite Enterprise character? N/A

18.) Funniest moment in any episode of any series? Any time Mama Troi goes on and on and Picard looks a combination of annoyed/bemused/miserable

19.) Funniest moment in any of the movies? Kristie Ally's character: "You lied." Spock: "I exaggerated."

20.) Main character in any series or movie with the most sex appeal to you? Odo :shrug:

Edit: Grrr, grammar.
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intheflow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 07:41 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. Odo?
I don't know whether ot answer that :puke: or :rofl:.

Maybe this will suffice: :wow:
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vikegirl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 07:53 PM
Response to Reply #6
10. I don't understand either.
But I think it may be becuase I think the name "Rene Auberjonois" is French and to me, French=SEXY. :shrug: ;)
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intheflow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 07:39 PM
Response to Original message
5. I can't believe what a geek I am...
1.) Which was your favorite series? (TNG)

2.) Favorite captain? (Janeway)

3.) Favorite movie? (ST IV: The Voyage Home)

4.) Worst movie? (the first one)

5.) Are there any of the series you didn't watch? (Enterprise)

6.) Your least favorite series? (DS9)

7.) Complete this sentence: "Most people don't agree with me on this, but I really liked..." (The animated series)

8.) Favorite episode of the original series? ("The Paradise Syndrome"-where Kirk loses his memory and lives in an American/other planet Indian villiage)

9.) Favorite TNG episode? ("Darmok")

10.) Favorite Voyager episode? (The first one)

11.) Favorite DS9 episode? (hated almost all of them, nothing sticks out)

12.) Favorite Enterprise episode? (hated both of them I saw)

13.) Favorite character in the original series? (Uhura)

14.) Favorite character in TNG? (Data)

15.) Favorite DS9 character? (Jadzia Dax)

16.) Favorite Voyager character? (Kes)

17.) Favorite Enterprise character? (I hated the whole soap opera-y feel to the show, so don't have a fav at all)

18.) Funniest moment in any episode of any series? ("Deja Q" - when Q has to suck it up and live like a mortal)

19.) Funniest moment in any of the movies? (Spock and the boombox moment on public transportation in "Voyage Home")

20.) Main character in any series or movie with the most sex appeal to you? (Jadzia Dax and/or Chakotay)
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genie_weenie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 07:48 PM
Response to Original message
7. no subject line
1) TNG
2) Picard
3) IV (Ahhh, for the halycon days of Junior High!)
4) V (Gawd what a follow, show ME the way to go home)
5) Enterprise (military service constraints)
6) V-Ger
7) The Search for Spock. (Me and Cosmo Kramer that's all!)
8) Mirror, Mirror (Evil spock with a Goatee!)
9) Sins of the Father (It would be the same as admitting your father's guilt Worf)
10) Tattoo (Where Janeway discovers her totem is the Geico Gecko)
11) The one with the Lesbian Kiss (Terry Farrell is so hot!)
12) The one where Captain Sam Beckett gets beat up by Altarians and grunts and groans are his only dialouge
13) Scotty (RIP James Doohan D-Day Vet)
14) Worf & Picard in a tie
15) Jadiza Dax total agreement
16) Seven and just based on sex
17) Sam Beckett (I know I know he's Archer or something)
18) When Spock insults Kirk and Bones and Kirk says I think we've just been insulted and Bones says I know we have.
19) Movie IV, Chekov, waiting for Scotty to beam him from the Nuclear Power Plant, says mateer of factly Now would be a good time.
20) Terry Farrell just beats out 7of9 with Troi a distant (but fondly remembered) 3rd.
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LynzM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 07:50 PM
Response to Original message
9. Your #18 has me cracking up....
I grew up watching TNG, and only watched a little DS9 and Voyager... but I just saw the re-run of the one with Data giving Spot to Warf, and LMAO at that line!
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Ron Mexico Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 08:09 PM
Response to Reply #9
12. Have you ever
actually spit out a drink because the humor in something hit you so hard? That scene with Data and his cat sent RC Cola all over my coffee table, and my wife still gives me hell about it :)
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LynzM Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 10:09 PM
Response to Reply #12
18. LOL, nice!!
I can't say that I've done that, but I've come awfully close!
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hfojvt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 08:08 PM
Response to Original message
11. I have really only seen TOS with any degree of thoroughness
Okay I have seen every episode 3 times or more. I would watch more of the others if a free channel put them on at a good hour.

1.) Which was your favorite series? (TOS)

2.) Favorite captain? (Spock) (Hey, he made Captain)

3.) Favorite movie? (Unlike the 99% of those who will answer "Wrath of Khan," I prefer "Generations") ((WTF??? I thought Wrath kinda sucked - the worm in the ear thing was a major gross-out too) Voyage Home wins

4.) Worst movie? (of the 7 I have seen - number 6 it was like a Star Wars episode)

5.) Are there any of the series you didn't watch? (I have seen a little of all of them, but only lots of TOS)

6.) Your least favorite series? (DS9)

7.) Complete this sentence: "Most people don't agree with me on this, but I really liked..." (The first movie)

8.) Favorite episode of the original series? ("I am Kurok - the god who bleeds (can't remember the name Kirk lives in a Native American type village))

9.) Favorite TNG episode? (I probably have not seen enough of these none of them stand out)

10.) Favorite Voyager episode? (none of these stand out either)

11.) Favorite DS9 episode? (I grew to dislike this series)

12.) Favorite Enterprise episode? (I have only seen about 3 episodes)

13.) Favorite character in the original series? (Spock)

14.) Favorite character in TNG? (Data)

15.) Favorite DS9 character? (Hawk)

16.) Favorite Voyager character? (Seven - just based on sex appeal)

17.) Favorite Enterprise character? (The Captain, just because I loved Quantum Leap)

18.) Funniest moment in any episode of any series? (When Scotty explains to Kirk why he started the fight in The Trouble With Tribbles)

19.) Funniest moment in any of the movies? (When Saavik roles her eyes at Spock's funeral when Kirk calls him the most "human")

20.) Main character in any series or movie with the most sex appeal to you? (Saavik - "did she change her hair?")
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Benfea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 08:10 PM
Response to Original message
13. DS9 roolz them all!!!!!!111!!1!!oneone
  1. Which was your favorite series?
    Deep Space 9

  2. Favorite captain?
    Sisko. In the time it takes the other captains to hold endless meetings and sleep with green-skinned women, Sisko will have already barged in, kicked ass, felt bad about whatever people or regulations he had to run over to get things done, and cooked dinner for his girlfriend.

  3. Favorite movie?
    First Contact

  4. Worst movie?

  5. Are there any of the series you didn't watch?
    I only watched a couple of episodes of Enterprise.

  6. Your least favorite series?
    The original series. Lordy, was that awful.

  7. Complete this sentence: "Most people don't agree with me on this, but I really liked..."
    Doctor Pulaski.

  8. Favorite episode of the original series?
    I don't have a favorite, and if I had to pick a "least nauseous" original series episode, I would have to watch them again, and I would rather stab myself in the leg with a fork.

  9. Favorite TNG episode?
    Any episode involving ugly politics, particularly ugly Klingon politics.

  10. Favorite Voyager episode?
    Any episode without Barbie Borg.

  11. Favorite DS9 episode?
    "Past Tense" (parts 1 and 2). These were the episodes involving the Sanctuary Districts and the Bell Riots.

  12. Favorite Enterprise episode?
    I only saw two and they both stunk.

  13. Favorite character in the original series?
    None of them appealed to me, although Bones was less annoying than the others.

  14. Favorite character in TNG?
    Doctor Pulaski. She was a mean-spirited curmudgeon, but I liked her because of that. One of the main criticisms of TNG is that everything was a little too peachy and the crew got along a little too well. Pulaski stirred things up, made other crew members angry, and generally kept things more interesting.

  15. Favorite DS9 character?
    Garak, a.k.a. "Enabran Tain." He was a monster, a war criminal, and absolutely not to be trusted, but in a sick way you couldn't help feeling sorry for the guy. Garak was a delightfully complex character.

  16. Favorite Voyager character?
    The holographic doctor.

  17. Favorite Enterprise character?
    I don't know enough to comment.

  18. Funniest moment in any episode of any series?
    The Vulcan baseball team in DS9 and Sisko's irrational vendetta against them.

  19. Funniest moment in any of the movies?
    Data in Generations: "Oh, shit!"

  20. Main character in any series or movie with the most sex appeal to you?
    B'elana Torres.
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Ron Mexico Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 08:14 PM
Response to Reply #13
14. I never liked Pulaski much, except for when
she was in that episode in the original series where the aliens took over the bodies of crew members - but that's the male pig in me talking. It's hard to believe, when looking at her in TNG, that she looked so good in TOS.

Yeah, I know - oink, oink.
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Benfea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 08:37 PM
Response to Reply #14
16. Oink, oink, indeed.
I never saw her in the original series, and I already explained what I liked about the character: the fact that she was so unlikable.
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Solon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 08:15 PM
Response to Original message
15. OK, here you go...
My answers will appear in parentheses.

1.) Which was your favorite series? (TNG)

2.) Favorite captain? (Ben Sisko)

3.) Favorite movie? (The Undiscovered Country, where the Klingons made peace with the Federation)

4.) Worst movie? (Star Trek: The Motion Picture, yes the first one)

5.) Are there any of the series you didn't watch? (Enterprise)

6.) Your least favorite series? (Enterprise)

7.) Complete this sentence: "Most people don't agree with me on this, but I really liked..." (Troi and Worf's relationship, happened too slowly in the series for me, and Riker getting back with her in the Movies is just dreck, dammit!)

8.) Favorite episode of the original series? (Spock's Brain)

9.) Favorite TNG episode? (Dammit, hold on, I can think of it, ok fuck that, the one where the Enterprise encounters the "Independantly Minded" Borg and Data feels anger for the first time)

10.) Favorite Voyager episode? (Year of Hell Parts one and two, you have to be high to understand it. :))

11.) Favorite DS9 episode? (The one where Sisko and crew are sent back to the 21st century)

12.) Favorite Enterprise episode? (Never saw one)

13.) Favorite character in the original series? (Hikaru Sulu)

14.) Favorite character in TNG? (Data)

15.) Favorite DS9 character? (Kira Nerys)

16.) Favorite Voyager character? (B'Elanna Torres, the female Half Human, Half Klingon, HOT!!!)

17.) Favorite Enterprise character? (Don't have a preference)

18.) Funniest moment in any episode of any series? ("Trials and Tribblations" Cross episode between TOS and DS9, O'Brian to Worf, at the bar in the TOS timeframe: "He's a Klingon? How do you explain, well, you know? Worf Response: "Don't Ask.")

19.) Funniest moment in any of the movies? (Star Trek: The Voyage Home, Kirk walks up to the truck, "Excuse my friend, he's had to much LDS back in the 1960s")

20.) Main character in any series or movie with the most sex appeal to you? (Tough one, tie between 7 of 9, B'Elanna Torres, and Jadzia Dax)
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Broken_Hero Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 08:44 PM
Response to Original message
17. my top 20
1.) Which was your favorite series? (orignal ep)

2.) Favorite captain? (Kirk)

3.) Favorite movie? (I liked the Search for Spock)

4.) Worst movie? (the fifth one, the last frontier i think it was)

5.) Are there any of the series you didn't watch? (Enterprise, DS9, Voyager, i watched a few, but not many)

6.) Your least favorite series? (DS9)

7.) Complete this sentence: "Most people don't agree with me on this, but I really liked..." (First Contact, Picard vs the Borg)

8.) Favorite episode of the original series? ("Shore Leave")

9.) Favorite TNG episode? (Any with Q)

10.) Favorite Voyager episode? (the one where 7 0f 9 gets it on with the rock, in the cage match thing)

11.) Favorite DS9 episode? (n/a)

12.) Favorite Enterprise episode? (Never saw one)

13.) Favorite character in the original series? (Kirk, for sure)

14.) Favorite character in TNG? (data)

15.) Favorite DS9 character? (n/a)

16.) Favorite Voyager character? (Seven - and really based ON sex appeal)

17.) Favorite Enterprise character? (n/a)

18.) Funniest moment in any episode of any series? (One day, while on Acid, i was watching one of the original episodes, where this dude is split into two different beings, and they are always fighting. Anyways, they capture the evil persona, and he escapes from sick bay. Kirk asks McCoy, what happened to him, McCoy says he got away, and Kirk says back, well where is he? McCoy replies, I dont' know Jim, its a big ship. I don't know, that conversation just struck me as funny at the time, but anything on acid is funny just about)

19.) Funniest moment in any of the movies? (Don't tell me, Tuesday?)

20.) Main character in any series or movie with the most sex appeal to you? (7 0f 9)
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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 10:21 PM
Response to Original message
19. HypnoToad's ribbets
1.) Which was your favorite series? (TNG)


2.) Favorite captain? (Kirk)


3.) Favorite movie? (Unlike the 99% of those who will answer "Wrath of Khan," I prefer "Generations")

Tough call. II, VI, Generations, and Insurrection are my top 4. But I've got to go with VI.

4.) Worst movie? (the first one)

Nemesis - by far. Trek V being the next worst, but I'd much rather watch it as it isn't a recycled or intellectually-empty plot...

5.) Are there any of the series you didn't watch? (Enterprise)

None. I've seen at least 1 ep from every series. Though Enterprise is the least-watched one...

6.) Your least favorite series? (DS9)

A tie for Voyager and Enterprise. DS9 isn't great, but there are more worthy episodes than Voy or Ent combined... and Voyager itself is the very antithesis OF Star Trek!

7.) Complete this sentence: "Most people don't agree with me on this, but I really liked..." (Voyager)

The Original Series

8.) Favorite episode of the original series? ("A Piece of the Action")

The Immunity Syndrome (many to choose from though)

9.) Favorite TNG episode? (The one where Worf keeps going through parallel universes)

Elementary, Dear Data (though Tapestry comes close)

10.) Favorite Voyager episode? (The 100th one, where Harry tries to correct a mistake he made in his youth)

The season 5 finale (not a cliffhanger story!) where Janeway nearly falls for a nasty trap, set by a person she made an enemy of in an earlier adventure. The new starship design and technologies were cool, but the revenge plotline works great within Voyager's frame.

11.) Favorite DS9 episode? (The one with "Red Squad")

The Visitor (early season 4) A nice emotional piece where Sisko travels back and forth in time (similar to TNG's "Remember Me", only done rather better and with a better character!)

12.) Favorite Enterprise episode? (Never saw one)

None. I couldn't get into it.

13.) Favorite character in the original series? (Chekov, especially in "Trouble with Tribbles")

Doctor McCoy

14.) Favorite character in TNG? (Worf)

Data... he's a lot like me, except I came first. (Still, Data is modeled on people with Asperger's Syndrome...)

15.) Favorite DS9 character? (Jadzia Dax)


16.) Favorite Voyager character? (Seven - and not just based on sex appeal)

Agreed on both counts, Seven. Well, all counts - she had more than just her twin friends... :D She's a pseudo-Spock type. I can imagine how she and the hologram Doctor (a McCoy ripoff) would have often sparred.

17.) Favorite Enterprise character? (The female Vulcan - this one IS based on sex appeal, because I don't know anything else about the series)

None. There is nothing in Enterprise that's redeeming whatsoever.

18.) Funniest moment in any episode of any series? (When Data asks Worf to take care of Spot, and says "You must tell him that he is a good cat. And a pretty cat.")

I think any given Q episode gave the best laughs as he's a great foil for a crew where Data happens to be the most human... I loved the bit where Q turns Crusher into a dog in "True Q", a story better suited as the homo allegory than "The Outcast"! Of course, Harry Mudd also provided a great deal of genuine wit.

19.) Funniest moment in any of the movies? (The look on Savik's face when it looked like the crew was stranded on Genesis, Kirk calls Spock and says "It's been three hours, are you ready to beam us up?")

Data in "Generations", no contest. From pushing Crusher overboard to commenting on a drink after having the emotion chip fitted to the Lifeforms song to Data saying "Oooooh shit!!" at just the right moment... that movie was meant for Data and it's terrific.

20.) Main character in any series or movie with the most sex appeal to you? (Enisgn Ro)

Riker, before the beard.
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Ron Mexico Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-19-06 12:16 AM
Response to Reply #19
25. Oh, man, I forgot all about "Tapestry" and
Q turning Crusher into a dog. I might have to rethink my answers to a couple of these questions :)
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YankeyMCC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 10:39 PM
Response to Original message
20. Alright...
1.) Which was your favorite series? (TOS)

2.) Favorite captain? (Kirk)

3.) Favorite movie? (I know I'm going to be in the minority but Star Trek The Motion Picture)

4.) Worst movie? (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - although Generations comes close)

5.) Are there any of the series you didn't watch? (no..I slacked off on early seasons of DS9 and later seasons of Voyager but I pretty much watched them all)

6.) Your least favorite series? (Voyager)

7.) Complete this sentence: "Most people don't agree with me on this, but I really liked..." (Star Trek the Motion Picture or Enterprise)

8.) Favorite episode of the original series? ("Where no man has gone before")

9.) Favorite TNG episode? (The Quality of Life - Data protects machines he believes have become sentient)

10.) Favorite Voyager episode? (Revulsion - rebelling Holograms)

11.) Favorite DS9 episode? (Who Mourns for Morn? - I'm cheating a little here, this might not be my favorite exactly it's to hard to shift through all the eps right now, but this is the episode that I use to illustrate how superior DS9 turned out to be compared to Voyager. I cared more about Morn on DS9 than Harry Kim or Tom Paris or anyone on Voyager)

12.) Favorite Enterprise episode? (Andorian Incident)

13.) Favorite character in the original series? (Spock)

14.) Favorite character in TNG? (Data - hmm I guess there's a trend here :))

15.) Favorite DS9 character? (Sisko - Worf is a close second but Sisko's struggle with his "emisary" role made things interesting)

16.) Favorite Voyager character? (Seven - largely due to sex appeal :) )

17.) Favorite Enterprise character? (Trip)

18.) Funniest moment in any episode of any series? (When Kirk says "I've got a belly ache and it's a beaut")

19.) Funniest moment in any of the movies? (Any one of the times Kirk or McCoy tried to say they detected a bit of humanity in Spock and he would say something to the effect of there being no need for him to have to take their insults)

20.) Main character in any series or movie with the most sex appeal to you? (T'Pol)

Question: Why was The Animated Series left out? ;)
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iconoclastic cat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 10:49 PM
Response to Original message
21. Why can't they cure Picard's baldness?
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LeftyMom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 10:50 PM
Response to Reply #21
22. Because he's sexy that way!
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iconoclastic cat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-18-06 10:58 PM
Response to Reply #22
23. They can teleport living tissue at light speed...and he's still bald.
Not buying it.
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wickerwoman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-19-06 12:32 AM
Response to Original message
26. I'll give it a whirl.
Edited on Sun Mar-19-06 12:33 AM by bezdomny
1.) Favorite series: DS9 is a squeaker. Because the episodes were serialized in the last three or four seasons they were able to build something with much higher stakes than the other series (where they just solve the problem on this planet and then truck on to the next one.)

2.) Favorite captain: Picard.

3.) Favorite movie: (Full disclosure- I've only see the original series movies) Voyage Home

4.) Worst movie: the one with the little alien that goes in Chekov's ear. Still gives me the heeby jeebies.

5.) Any series I didn't watch: Enterprise. So far...

6.) Least favorite series: Voyager. Absolute rubbish except for a handful in the final season.

7.) "Most people don't agree, but I really liked... DS9?" Granted, the first few seasons are pretty touch and go but the last few are some of the best Trek around IMHO. Worf's wedding, the one where they go back in time to the Tribble episode, "Little Green Men"...

8.) Favorite episode of original series: Cliche but "The Trouble with Tribbles"

9.) Favorite TNG: Anything with L'wuxana Troi.

10.) Favorite Voyager: The one where they're caught in the atmosphere above a planet that moves through time much more quickly so although they're there for a few hours, on the planet they're visible for all of recorded history.

11.) Favorite DS9: The one where Bashir's parents reveal he was genetically engineered.

12.) Favorite Enterprise: Never saw one.

13.) Favorite character in original series: Also Chekov.

14.) Favorite TNG: Data

15.) Favorite DS9: Garak

16.) Favorite Voyager: None. Maybe Chakote is a tiny, tiny bit ahead of the pack.

17.) Favorite Enterprise: Never seen.

18.) Funniest moment: Worf's bachelor party. Everyone's psyched to go to the Klingon bachelor party expecting wine, women and song and they end up with four days of fasting, walking on coals, screaming and hitting each other with pain sticks.

19.) Funniest movie moment: "We are looking for the nuclear wessels."

20.) Sexiest character: Garak

On edit: How did I forget about Garak?
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bedazzled Donating Member (584 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-19-06 12:39 AM
Response to Original message
27. i only really like the original series...
1.) Which was your favorite series? Original

2.) Favorite captain? Kirk

3.) Favorite movie? The Voyage Home

4.) Worst movie? The first one

5.) Are there any of the series you didn't watch? DS9 Voyager Enterprise

6.) Your least favorite series? Enterprise – what an insult

7.) Complete this sentence: "Most people don't agree with me on this, but I really liked..." Q

8.) Favorite episode of the original series? The Alternative Factor

9.) Favorite TNG episode? n/a

10.) Favorite Voyager episode? n/a

11.) Favorite DS9 episode? n/a

12.) Favorite Enterprise episode? Saw a few by accident - ghastly

13.) Favorite character in the original series? Bones

14.) Favorite character in TNG? Q

15.) Favorite DS9 character? n/a

16.) Favorite Voyager character? n/a

17.) Favorite Enterprise character? n/a

18.) Funniest moment in any episode of any series? Fizzbin

19.) Funniest moment in any of the movies? When Spock goes swimming with the whales, and the little old lady says “Maybe he’s singing to that man.”

20.) Main character in any series or movie with the most sex appeal to you? Sulu
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trackfan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-19-06 12:56 AM
Response to Original message
28. answers
1.) Which was your favorite series?

2.) Favorite captain?

3.) Favorite movie?
Tough to say....Probably the one with the whale

4.) Worst movie?
The one with Spock's brother

5.) Are there any of the series you didn't watch?
No - but I am still missing a couple of years of TNG, the first season of DS9 and the last season
of Enterprise.

6.) Your least favorite series?
Probably Enterprise

7.) Complete this sentence: "Most people don't agree with me on this, but I really liked..."

8.) Favorite episode of the original series?
Really tough...probably changes often...right now I'd say All Our Yesterdays

9.) Favorite TNG episode?
I liked the last episode a lot

10.) Favorite Voyager episode?
Some were quite good, but none comes to mind right now

11.) Favorite DS9 episode?
Some were quite good, but none comes to mind right now

12.) Favorite Enterprise episode?
Some were quite good, but none comes to mind right now

13.) Favorite character in the original series?

14.) Favorite character in TNG?

15.) Favorite DS9 character?

16.) Favorite Voyager character?

17.) Favorite Enterprise character?
The Vulcan

18.) Funniest moment in any episode of any series?
Captain Sisko discovers the Vole fights

19.) Funniest moment in any of the movies?
Kirk pawns his reading glasses

20.) Main character in any series or movie with the most sex appeal to you?
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