Edited on Thu Dec-04-03 06:01 PM by BenZodiac
North America is now basically 3 main countries (Canada, America, Mexico) (yes I know there are other small countries in Central America and Carib Islands) But you have 3 main countries.
Sometime in the next century, the Northeast U.S. will join with the Northeast and central Canada, including Michigan, Minnesota. A sort of Atlantic/Great Lakes/Eastern Canada country of moderate liberalism. Secular, low military budget, free health care for all, gay marriage.
In the South, from Texas to Kansas to Florida to Virginia will be the New Confederacy. School prayer mandatory, Christianity the state religion, Nascar the official sport. Abortion and gays illegal. Huge military to eventually invade the North during the 3rd Civil War of 2099.
In the West will be a third country we'll call Potlandia, roughly San Francisco to Reno to Portland to Seattle to Vancouver and all of Western Canada and Alaska will be a form of libertarianism. Small Government, huge Hemp industry, Secular, but with equal rights for all. Small military, big Navy.
In the SouthWest, from Los Angeles to Arizona to New Mexico, all the way down to Mexico City will be the new land of Aztlan. The Latino homeland of properity and huge agriculture businesses. A moderate form of socialism, medium military, religious, but no state religion. Hollywood moves to Vermont in 2067, after the Fall of Los Angeles.
So, basically 4 countries where we have 3 now.