Sprint was wonderful. My phone was dropping calls and voice mail was not working right. So I went to Radio Shack where I bought it. They gave me a new battery - for free - and told me to take my phone to the Sprint store and ask them to update the software. So I took the phone to the Sprint store and they told me to come back in an hour. When I got back, they had given me a brand new phone, better than my old one. This one has a video camera in it!
I also asked about buying a new phone charger. I told the guy that my kids had lost their chargers so we were all sharing one charger. He said well it costs $40 but we are out of them now. When I went back to pick up my phone and opened the box that came with it, there was a charger in there! The guy winked at me and told me to come back if my new phone doesn't work right.
See not every customer service experience is bad. :)