When I post a new 'toon, that is.
I've been so busy with a site redesign, and wasting a few moments here and there on DU, that I haven't been able to finish much of anything. It has been very frustrating. I even published one cartoon here on the DU forums just because my own page was complete enough!
Anyway, the redesign in done, but not all the links are tested and scripts debugged. So, I put up a streamlined site, with my new focus... cartoons only.
By leaving the newsy stuff to DU and the other fine anti-Bush sites, I can focus more on drawing 'toons for you. So much of the news I got from here, and BartCop and Truthout, etc...all the places most of us visit anyway. It seemed silly to keep wasting my time aggregating news stories that much of my audience has already seen.
So the archives are still there, the new desing is not. But there is a NEW CARTOON today, finally, about the secretive new branch of Government Bush and Rove have instituted...click the Not Banned Yet link below.