One (1) - You first moved out of your family home?
Hard to say: 13, if you count 5-day boarding school (we lived out in the boonies; home on weekends...I hated that boarding place and called it Colditz); 18 if you count university (still had my room and stuff at home); 23 if you count leaving the country.
Two (2) - You had your first kiss?
Also hard to say -- probably had a kiddie kiss as age five or six, had a meaningful-meaningless kiss at age 20, and finally got into the Real Thing at age 21 (I wanted to be an early bloomer, romantically, but the universe/God/whatever had other plans, dammit)
Three (3) - You had your first alcoholic drink?
Yet another one hard to say -- grew up having a sip or two here and there but essentially never drank. I did, however, finish off a bottle of screwdriver at age 20 (his related to the incident of the meaningful-meaningless kiss and other debacles related to the same girl that filled that year) while walking 12 miles one night to end up finally overcome by alcohol's effect on her front lawn while her roommate's parents were visiting. Not a high point in my life, but I had to give the old Dutch courage a try.
Four (4) - You first drove a vehicle?
Don't recall. Learned to ride a motorcycle at 11, in the Australian Outback -- I may have already driven a tractor and I think I'd been in charge of an outboard-equipped boat, under my father's captainage, by then, too.
Five (5) - You first fell in love?
These are all kinda hard to answer, for me. I'm not sure now which were love and which were infatuation. Maybe as early as six of seven, if that's even possible. Certainly by ten or so and most disastrously at 19. Suffice it to say that they were all unrequited, most if only because I never declared myself. After that point, I specialized in mising the boat with women who were attracted to me -- I inadvertently rejected them or missed the perfect moment (a couple of times even I knew it was that magic moment) and when I started to warm up to the idea I hit the old hell-hath-no-fury side of it all. I got married at 24 or 25. But it's taken 41 years for the fullness of love, love beyond what I ever suspected before even in my most optimistic musings, to be revealed to me. It was worth the wait.
Six (6) - You got your first job?
First paid job was probably at age 16 or 17, or thereabouts. Maybe 15. Holiday job kind of thing...picking cherries, harvesting potatoes, picking garlic, working (like a dog) in establishing a vineyard...that sort of thing.
Seven (7) - You saw your first movie in a theater?
Five or six, or earlier. Before the age of five, we didn't live anywhere that had a movie theater. Some of the earlier ones I remember were The Battle of Britain, Bedknobs And Broomsticks, and Run Wild, Run Free. I remember seeing a trailer for a film about this guy called Elvis presley, in 1971 (the concert documentary, Elvis - That's The Way It Is -- and being intrigued enough to ask my mother who the dude in the white jumpsuit was, and she told me "he was famous when I was younger"...it was the first I saw of Elvis and I somehow avoided contact with him again until 1976, when I saw a bunch of his films on TV exactly one year before he died, my parents bought a casette of his compiled music, and I began to look into the whole Elvis thing a little.
Eight (8) - You first flew in an airplane?
No idea...I was young, though. Definitely somewhere between four and eight.
Nine (9) - You first got your heart broken?
Probably earlier, but most spectacularly at 19-20. I almost died (motorcycle crashes, the only ones I've had, incuding one very serious one) and took a year off in the middle of my degree work to travel overseas and get better. It worked. I became very much I-am-a-rock-I-am-an-island, though, still suffered some heartbreak and -- more to the point -- yearned for what I was not getting. Not much sadder than a romantic whose life is devoid of romance...or a cynical romantic. It got worse after I did find someone, but now all those many (wasted, in some ways) years matter little. It eventually got better.
Ten (10) - You first experienced the death of a loved one?
Hard to say. I'd before lost a couple of family members I didn't really know, but somewhere around the age of 13 or so a good friend died in a car crash. My paternal grandfather was the first member of my more immediate family to die...somewhere in my early teens. And, of course, losing pets was also always very much the loss of a loved one.
Eleven (11) - You got your first car?
First one I actually owned was in 1990 (or maybe it was '89): a 1990 Toyota Camry.
Twelve (12) - You first married or co-habitated?
Cohabited (in a non-roommate sense) for a short length of time (weeks) at age 23; then, at the same age, for what a year later turned to marriage.
Thirteen (13) - You first voted?
Whenever I first could. I think it was 18 where I lived.