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Cat Survives 80 Foot Fall From Tree (VIDEO)

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matcom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-21-06 02:30 PM
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Cat Survives 80 Foot Fall From Tree (VIDEO)
Video at link below


SUMMERVILLE, S.C. -- For Rodney and Scottie Colvin, it was been a nerve-racking eight days. Their cat, "Piper," scampered up a tree in the yard of their Summerville, South Carolina home last Monday, March 13.

Efforts to coax the animal down failed. A week later, on Monday, March 20, would-be rescuers came to Piper's aid. Then, something went terribly wrong, but this time all was okay in the end.

The cat fell nearly 80 feet, clipped a branch on the way down and then landed on its feet and ran away. Piper, no doubt, used up at least a couple of his feline nine lives, but otherwise appeared to have survived the ordeal without serious injuries.

"I am scared to death, but at least she's down and she's running, so I know she's alive and thank you everybody for coming out," Scottie Colvin said.

"She's part of the family. She needs her eye looked at. It's really infected while she was up there. She seems to be pretty strong right now. She's not favoring her ribs where she broke that limb when she fell down. Take her to the vet, that's where we're headed now," Rodney Colvin said.
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MissHoneychurch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-21-06 02:37 PM
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1. WOW
cats are just amazing.
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