I quit my other job and I recieved my paycheck yesterday with a somewhat threatning note inside of the envelope...I think I made the right choice to keep on looking, waddya think:crazy:
I turned down one offer this morning because the interview didn't feel right...just a gut feeling. It was three blocks from my house, but it isn't worth going against my personal gut feeling. He was talking about the former employees, saying how horrible they were, talking about how demanding he was, etc. It turns out that the person I was to be replacing killed two people. Um....ooookay...It just didn't feel right and I did not want a repeat of the other situation. I have worked for lunatics for months, and I do not want it again
Now I have two very good looking prospective interviews later in the week, in addition to my temp job which is cool because it is at a major tv network. I essentially watch videos all day....:P...And they pay me to do it, dammit!. I have worked for the network before and they wanted me back to help them prepare and do PR for upfronts.