Current bid: US $41.00
End time: Mar-24-06 09:00:00 PST (1 day 20 hours)
Shipping costs: US $12.50
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Ships to: United States
Item location: Santa Monica, California, United States
History: 4 bids
High bidder: aero9389 ( 18)
Midway through a cross-country flight to LA, my wife comes back from the forward bathroom of a 757 and proclaims, “I just flushed $500 dollars down the toilet.” Wondering why she was carrying that kind of cash on her and in a pair of Juicy’s (which have no pockets) I was perplexed as to how this could have happened. And in my slow state, I glanced down at the white audio plug that led to the earphones still in her ears, finally realizing that she had indeed, flushed her beloved ipod down the toilet of a 757. I laughed, because that’s what I do in nervous and uncomfortable situations when I don’t know how to react. Not being happy about my immediate reaction, she asked me to retrieve it -- my laughing subsided, thinking about the ensuing blue arm and trying to explain it to just about anyone I would come in contact with for a week. No thanks. Needless to say, after repeated attempts to have her listen to my ipod (she refused) and my joking about not going to the toilet with it…She was beside herself with the idea of 500 DOLLARS being flushed away and we had to have it back. Maybe Apple would take pity on us and give us a new one. Maybe the warranty covered things like this. Maybe we were delusional. Maybe Apple Inc should not make their products so friggin expensive. So we waited for the landing, waited for the stewardess, then waited for the technician who was preparing the flight for an immediate return to NY. After twenty minutes of explaining our plight, (all the while thinking about our baggage being stolen), and then more waiting for the technician, Nice Guy Ted proudly announced, “Yup, your ipod has clogged toilet number Two. There’s officially a blockage.” While all I could think about were the poor bastards who had to fly an oversold flight to NY for 5 hours with only two bathrooms (woe be the pregnant women aboard) – my wife is giving Nice Guy Ted our phone number so she can get it back. Seems that had we filled out all the proper forms, we’d end up on “The List” he called it. I can only assume that The List would make our flying in the future much more difficult, so the phone number was gladly handed over. And sure enough, Nice Guy Ted gives her a call three weeks later, they meet in a bar somewhere south of LAX and she has a beer with the kind gentleman and gets the ipod back. Don’t ask me for more details, I didn’t ask any and don’t want to know. All I know is that this ziplock bag is the original one from Nice Guy Ted. There is still a slight blue tint to it, as you would expect. Nothing works -- we plugged it in, but well, it's just full of crap. Pun completely intended. As an added bonus, we are including a box that it came in, the original discs and the wired remote. If you know of anyone at Apple who would like to take care of our predicament, they are welcome to email us and help us replace our poor little blue ipod. Since the warranty doesn’t cover airplane toilets and retrievals, needless to say one in which no one would want to work on, much less take it out of the bag, we just want a happy resolution to the situation. Heck, let's make a commercial out of it. Wouldn’t Apple just love that? Come on -- bid high, bid often – tell some friends about our silly little box of non-working electronics that is taking up shelf space and I promise you will have a conversation piece for years to come…Please note that only what is pictured is included - there are no chargers, headphones, etc... Please be sure to check out the ipod accessories we have up for auction. Obviously, we don’t need them anymore...