I'm posting this because, at the age of 53, I've been through numerous depressions and I've know alot of people with the same problem. I have never been helped by an antidepressant and I don't know anybody else who has. I'm not talking from some Church of Scientology view or anything religious at all. I don't have any moral objections to people taking what they have to take to get better. I'm just saying that, after going to my doctors and desperately asking for help, paying for this medication and trying to manage the terrible side effects of every single one of them, they don't work. And, sometimes you have to wait two months for the damn things to "take effect", by which time you're ready to throw yourself under a bus. Sometimes I think they're prescribed just to give the patient hope. But that's just my opinion and my rant. Anybody out there have any opinions on antidepressants?