MMI must turn this computer off now... The borrowed system on which I've been able to join you all needs to make an early night, as it's taking its mistress away tomorrow to some sort of conference or convention... They'll be gone about a week...
MMAlas, this means that I'll be away from all of YOU fine folk for about a week as well ;(
MMI trust you will hold the fort and keep the vigil whilst I'm away...in my turn, I promise you that, whenever I am out and about, I shall continue to instigate enlightened dissent, agitate the comfortable, and aggravate those whose vested interest lies in silent complicity...
MMTo all you lovely folk (including billyskank, RevCheesehead, Joan_Alpern, LeftyMom, CaliforniaPeggy, LaraMN & Sugar Smack) who have restored my faith in the essential goodness and wisdom of the American People, I thank you for restoring my spirit, and my faith in the Dream... :toast:
MMTo all of you (SeattleGirl, KitchenWitch, lionesspriyanka, RadFemFL {hurry up and start a journal, grrl!}, CarolinaPeridot & MissHoneychurch) who have personally made these past two months something other than an exercise in :banghead: by PMing me and otherwise going "above and beyond" to ease my frustration, salve my sense of futility, and otherwise make this outlaw feel welcome, safe and at home, thank you for giving me a family once again! :grouphug:
MMAnd, finally, to you, AlienGirl, who brought me on-board in the first place, who believed in me all these years and sustained my heart and my soul even when my world was imploding around my ears, Tuck, honey, thank all the GODS for you! :loveya:
Mitaque Oyasin! We are all Children of the same mother...
Illegitimati Non Carborundum! (Don't let the bastards grind you down!)
Save the garden... Negate the Bush!
The Nation is the People... ... the State is but the Tool!
LTF! (Live The Faith!) S&SW! {:-> Love and ??? Moon {;->